English to Indonesian
a lookpandang
a look
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by Xamux Translate


If we take a look at what's really happening in the online world,
Jika kita melihat pada apa yang sebenarnya terjadi di dunia daring,
So let's take a look at the brain.
Lalu mari kita melihat pada otak.
Have a look what she's doing.
Lihatlah apa yang dilakukannya.
And as I pause for a few seconds, have a look at the screen.
Saat saya berhenti beberapa saat dan melihat layar ini.
And they had a look at what was in the soup,
Dan mereka melihat apa yang ada di dalam sup itu,
we think we could actually take a look at the slope of the Doppler effect
kami pikir kami bisa melihat pada lereng di efek Doppler
Take a look.
Let's have a look at this nice code
Mari kita lihat kode yang bagus yang
Let's have a look at this short movie now.
Mari sekarang kita lihat film pendek ini.
Take a look at the Prius.
Lihatlah Prius ini.
I mean, have a look at this graph.
Maksud saya, perhatikanlah grafik ini.
Take a look, if you haven't, at DonorsChoose.
Coba lihatlah DonorsChoose.
Take a look at Changing the Present,
Lihatlah Changing the Present,
Take a look at these.
Coba lihat ini.
JM: You might also want to have a look at this particular n-gram,
JM: Anda mungkin juga ingin melihat n-gram yang ini,
I want you to take a look at this baby.
Saya ingin anda memperhatikan bayi ini.
Well, since the film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, let's take a look.
Sejak ditayangkan di Festival Film Sundance, mari kita lihat.
But anyway, take a look at its pollen.
Lihatlah serbuk sarinya.
and have a look at the brickwork,
dan melihat pada bangunan batu batanya,
It's to have a look
Kita dapat melihat
a look inside the hearts and minds
melihat ke dalam hati dan pikiran
Let us have a look at the United States.
Mari kita lihat Amerika Serikat.
and have a look
dan melihat
And I went and had a look at some of the figures here.
Saya melihat pada beberapa gambar di sini.
In fact, if you have a look
Sebenarnya, jika Anda melihat
So when they had a look at it afterward,
Saat mereka mengulas ulang kejadian itu
Take a look at this picture.
Lihatlah gambar ini.
We took a look at her, we laughed, we cried,
Kami menjenguknya, kami tertawa, menangis,
So, take a look.
Jadi, lihatlah.
and take a look at what's outside.
dan melihat ada apa di luar sana.
We also had some surprises. Let's take a look.
Kami juga mendapatkan beberapa kejutan. Mari lihat.
Take a look at this.
Coba lihat ini.
Well, let's take a look at the next slide.
Sekarang mari kita lihat slide selanjutnya.
Take a look at this --
Lihat yang ini.
and you know I can double-click on something to take a look at it.
aku dapat mengklik dua kali untuk melihatnya.
Take a look at this little girl
Lihatlah gadis kecil ini
But if you take a look at the two other biggest markets in the world,
Tetapi jika anda melihat pada dua pasar terbesar di dunia,
Who owns a look?
Siapa pemilik sebuah penampilan ?
we're going to pull it out and have a look at its structure.
kita akan menariknya dan melihat strukturnya.
Now, let's take a look at a video
Sekarang, mari kita lihat video ini
So let's take a look at the flu virus.
Jadi mari kita lihat virus flu.
Now let's take a look at HIV.
Sekarang mari kita lihat HIV.
Let's take a look at what's going on in different space types in this building.
Mari kita melihat pada apa yang terjadi pada ruangan lain di gedung ini.
And when the doctor took a look at this yellow kid with black teeth,
Dan ketika seorang dokter melihat anak berkulit kuning dengan gigi hitam ini,
is to take a look at TED. Here you are, understanding why we're here,
mencermati TED. Anda semua disini paham mengapa Anda berada disini,
So, let's take a look now at how we might use the computer for some of this.
Sekarang mari kita lihat bagaimana komputer bisa digunakan untuk melakukan hal tersebut.
and then stuck it under the microscope to have a look,
lalu menaruhnya di bawah mikroskop untuk dilihat,
Take a look at mathematical attainment
Dilihat dari pencapaian matematis
Let's take a look.
Mari kita lihat.
we go and have a look at the pages of INTERPOL
Kita lihat laman situs INTERPOL
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