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at large sebebasnya
at large
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And here too, you can see the implications in the world at large.
Dan di sini juga, Anda bisa melihat pengaruhnya di dunia secara luas.
And you're pretty rich by the standards of the world at large.
Dan Anda cukup kaya menurut standar dunia secara keseluruhan.
They aren't supposed to be out at large."
Tidak seharusnya mereka keluar dalam jumlah besar."
we found ourselves "at large" --
kami memiliki kelompok besar --
or indeed to society at large,
atau tentunya untuk khalayak umum
So instead of looking at large amounts of energy needed
Jadi ketimbang melihat pada kebutuhan energi dalam jumlah besar
which is that it's actually taken decades for the world at large
yaitu bahwa dunia memerlukan puluhan tahun
at large scale
dalam skala besar
and into society at large,
dan ke masyarakat luas,
or at large, the world?
dan dunia?
are in the hands of the population at large. This is completely different than what we've
berada di tangan penduduk kebanyakan. Ini jauh berbeda
and I declared to the world at large ...
aku menyatakan ke seluruh dunia …
I also declared to the world at large
Pada saat yang sama aku ikrarkan pula
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