English to Indonesian
at that time pada waktu itu
at that time
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At that time, a large amount of money
Saat itu, saya mendapat bantuan dana yang sangat besar
Well, it just so happens, at that time,
Kebetulan, pada waktu itu,
Africa was actually disconnected from the other landmasses at that time,
Afrika sebenarnya terpisah dari daratan lainnya pada saat itu,
The apes that left at that time ended up in Southeast Asia,
Kera yang pergi saat itu sampai di Asia Tenggara,
That tells us we were all still living in Africa at that time.
Ini menunjukkan kepada kita bahwa semua manusia masih hidup di Afrika pada saat itu.
Rather, Africa was drying out at that time.
Malahan, Afrika sedang mulai kekeringan pada saat itu.
The grasslands at that time -- this was during the last ice age --
Padang rumput pada waktu itu -- saat itu pada zaman es terakhir --
and in India at that time, it was illegal to be gay,
dan di India pada saat itu, homoseksual masih dianggap ilegal.
If you look at rainfall, it was already up 20 percent at that time.
Bila Anda mengamati curah hujannya, ternyata naik juga sebanyak 20%
And at that time, I was not thinking about changing the world.
Saat itu, saya tidak berpikir soal mengubah dunia;
It was the only one I had at that time.
Satu-satunya lensa yang saya punya waktu itu.
I mean, at that time, trust me,
Percayalah, zaman itu
who was J.D. Hooker, or at that time, president of the Royal Society,
yaitu J.D. Hooker, president Royal Society pada waktu itu,
and just at that time, one of the poorest men in that village
dan pada waktu itu, salah seorang yang paling miskin di desa itu
Well, at that time -- I should go back.
Pada saat itu saya harus pulang.
But, actually, Frankie, at that time,
tapi, sebenarnya, Frankie, pada saat itu,
They touched me at that time.
Mereka menyentuh saya setiap saat.
of the Buddhist religion in India at that time.
terhadap agama Buddha di India pada waktu itu.
And so at that time, of course, there was no refrigeration.
Dan tentu saja, pada saat itu belum ada lemari es.
that my daughters, at that time three and a half,
bahwa putri saya, saat itu berumur tiga setengah tahun,
at least at that time it was truly upscale.
setidaknya saat itu benar-benar besar.
who was at that time starting out Sony without any money,
yang pada waktu itu, memulai Sony tanpa uang sepeser pun,
The tallest plants on Earth at that time were less than two feet.
Tanaman tertinggi di Bumi saat itu kurang dari dua kaki.
Unfortunately, at that time we did not know that
Sayangnya saat itu kami tidak tahu bahwa
Because for me growing up at that time,
Karena pada waktu itu bagi saya yang sedang tumbuh
and I was feeling a tremendous amount of remorse at that time,
dan saya benar-benar menyesal pada saat itu,
There was a degree of resilience, if you like, at that time,
Pada saat itu ada semacam derajat ketahanan
At that time there was a "we" and "them."
Pada masa itu ada perbedaan "kami" dan "mereka."
Now at that time,
Kini pada saat itu
we were having, at that time,
pada saat itu, kami memiliki,
which was at that time the largest phone company in Germany,
yang saat itu merupakan perusahaan telepon terbesar di Jerman,
But our school at that time got a grant from the government,
Tapi sekolah kami pada saat itu mendapat bantuan dari pemerintah,
It seemed, at that time, to be a sea of Eden,
Rasanya, pada saat itu, seperti laut Eden,
Ironically, at that time in my life,
Ironisnya, saat itu,
in the city at that time.
di kota pada saat itu.
And at that time,
Dan pada saat itu
used at that time
yang digunakan pada saat itu
And at that time, there were those 544 seafarers being held hostage,
Dan pada saat itu, ada 544 orang pelaut yang disandera,
At that time, I noticed
Pada saat itu, saya menyadari
There were no English medium schools at that time,
Tidak ada sekolah menengah berbahasa Inggris waktu itu,
And my job -- at that time I was a post-doctoral fellow,
Tugas saya -- saat itu saya melakukan riset pasca-doktoral,
And this was the big story of the day at that time.
Dan inilah cerita besar di hari itu.
because at that time, the Asahi beer company
karena pada saat itu, perusahaan bir Asahi
And so, at that time,
Maka, pada waktu itu,
And it was at that time that my mother got word
Dan pada saat itulah ibu saya mengetahui
And my weekly audience at that time
Dan pemirsa mingguan saya saat itu
Incomes at that time
Pendapatan pada saat itu
She and I were both very pregnant at that time,
Pada saat itu saya dan dia sedang hamil tua,
and at that time I could actually focus that close;
dan waktu itu saya masih bisa memandang jarak dekat;
And United States only had some, one, two thousand dollars at that time.
Dan Amerika Serikat hanya memiliki 2.000 dolar, pada saat itu.
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