English to Indonesian
celestial berhubungan dengan angkasa dan surga, surgawi
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celestial horizonhorison sebenarnya
celestial latitudelintang samawi
celestial longitudebujur samawi
celestial polekutub samawi
celestial spherebola samawi
of or relating to the sky
atau terkait ke langit
source: WordNet 3.0

Kata yang berhubungan

angkasa, angkasa yang, benda, benda langit, jasad, langit, langit yang, luar angkasa, surga, surgawi


? [unclear] extraterrestrial, celestial scene ?
? (tidak jelas) benda asing, benda di langit ?
emitted by the magnificent celestial objects
yang dipancarkan oleh benda luar angkasa yang indah
that celestial objects could emit radio waves
bahwa benda luar angkasa dapat memancarkan gelombang radio
described as the "celestial openness"
gambarkan sebagai "celestial openness" (penerimaan berskala surgawi)
at the celestial bodies,
ke benda-benda langit,
And he would know that for essentially every celestial object
Pada dasarnya dia akan mengetahui setiap benda angkasa
the sun, the moon, the planets and finally the celestial sphere,
matahari, bulan, planet, dan akhirnya benda-benda angkasa
the celestial sphere, outside of which is this eternal,
bola angkasa, di mana di luarnya ada
Well, they're looking at celestial cues in the sky,
Mereka berpedoman pada tanda-tanda di langit
But how do they pick up those celestial cues?
namun bagaimana mereka memilih tanda-tanda tersebut?
using celestial cues.
menggunakan penanda astronomi.
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