English to Indonesian
chemotherapy chemotherapi
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the use of chemical agents to treat or control disease (or mental illness)
penggunaan bahan kimia untuk mengobati atau pengendalian penyakit (atau penyakit mental)
source: WordNet 3.0

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no opportunity to take her to the chemotherapy,
tanpa kesempatan untuk kemoterapi,
She is treated with surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.
Dia dirawat dengan operasi, kemoterapi dan radiasi.
Unfortunately, treated again with surgery and chemotherapy.
Malang baginya, dia dirawat lagi dengan operasi dan kemoterapi.
with more ovarian cancer, more chemotherapy.
dengan kanker ovarium lagi, kemoterapi lagi.
when, with the body ravaged by chemotherapy,
dengan tubuh lemah digempur kemoterapi,
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