English to Indonesian
circumspect berhati-hati
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circumspectionsifat berhati-hati
circumspection.kb. kehati-hatian.
adjective satellite
heedful of potential consequences
waspada konsekuensi potensial
source: WordNet 3.0
or suspiciously prudent circumspect
atau curiga bijaksana berhati hati
or deliberation circumspectly warily not
atau musyawarah circumspectly warily tidak
adapting means to ends circumspect
beradaptasi berarti berakhir hati hati
ends circumspect in action
berakhir berhati hati dalam tindakan
to ends circumspect in action
berakhir hati hati dalam tindakan
means to ends circumspect in
berarti berakhir berhati hati dalam
circumspect careful esp
berhati hati berhati hati esp
circumspect scrupulous careful
berhati hati cermat hati hati
circumspect in action or
berhati hati dalam tindakan atau
circumspect heedless careless reckless
berhati hati lalai ceroboh sembrono
circumspect slow in determining
berhati hati lamban dalam menentukan
cautious not circumspect
berhati hati tidak berhati hati
cautious wary circumspect
berhati hati waspada berhati hati
wakeful watchful circumspect
berjaga jaga pengawasan berhati hati
circumspectly warily not hastily
circumspectly warily tidak tergesa gesa
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