English to Indonesian
coastline kb. garis pantai.
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the outline of a coast
garis pantai yang
source: WordNet 3.0

Kata yang berhubungan

garis pantai, kawasan pantai, pantai


That looks like a coastline.
Ini terlihat seperti garis pantai.
south america with a coastline
amerika selatan dengan garis pantai
and sediment inundated the coastline
dan sediment membanjiri garis pantai
to keep coastline remains
dengan menjaga garis pantai tetap
europe with a short coastline
eropa dengan garis pantai pendek
the coastline including agricultural land
garis pantai termasuk tanah pertanian
coastline remains stable and to
garis pantai tetap stabil dan
that looks like a coastline
ini terlihat seperti garis pantai
iran southern coastline stretches
kawasan pantai selatan iran menghampar
doing the coastlines was always
mengerjakan ehm mengerjakanpantai selalu jadi
keep coastline remains stable
menjaga garis pantai tetap stabil
the coastline that extends for
pinggir pantai yang membentang sepanjang
sediment inundated the coastline including
sediment membanjiri garis pantai termasuk
some kilometres of coastline
sekitar kilometer sepanjang garis pantai
of coastline were destroyed and
sepanjang garis pantai hancur dan
the coastlines of south
sepanjang garis pantai sulawesi selatan
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