English to Indonesian
destroyed membinasakan
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spoiled or ruined or demolished
rusak atau hancur atau dihancurkan
source: WordNet 3.0

Kata yang berhubungan

aad, ad, akibat, angin, azab, berbuat, bersedih, berserakan, bersikeras, binasa, binasakan, binasakan maka, binasakan sedangkan, binasakan yang, binasalah, bungkam, dari azab, debu, dengan bersikeras, dengan membinasakan, dibakar, dibinasakan, dibongkar, n


so that, if the plane ever crashes, it will be destroyed
supaya, jika pesawat jatuh, alat tersebut juga hancur
They could have destroyed this little thing right here
Mereka dapat menghancurkan benda kecil di sana
the photoreceptor cells have atrophied or been destroyed.
sel-sel reseptor cahaya telah mengecil atau rusak.
I was raised in a country that has been destroyed
Saya dibesarkan di negara yang telah hancur
have completely destroyed the road system,
telah merusak total sistem jalan,
got affected, broken, destroyed,
terpengaruh, rusak, hancur,
destroyed because other brutalized, psychopathic selves
dihancurkan karena diri lain yang disiksa dan sakit jiwa
The school had been destroyed,
Sekolah-sekolah runtuh,
livelihoods had been destroyed,
penghidupan hancur,
their harvest had been destroyed.
panen mereka habis.
because it had been totally destroyed during the genocide in 1994,
karena itu telah dihancurkan saat terjadi pembunuhan massal tahun 1994,
Patients admitted to a hospital that was destroyed during the genocide
Pasien dimasukkan ke rumah sakit yang sebelumnya dihancurkan saat pembunuhan massal
because it was knowledge being destroyed.
karena pengetahuan telah dihancurkan.
which history tells us the Mongols invaded Baghdad and destroyed it.
ketika sejarah menceritakan tentang Mongolia yang menyerang dan menghancurkan Bagdad.
The Royal Tombs had been destroyed
Makan Kerajaan itu telah terbakar
just nine months after having destroyed her knee,
sembilan bulan setelah lututnya remuk
Song: Before God destroyed the people on the Earth,
Sebelum Tuhan membinasakan orang-orang di Bumi,
was destroyed by the war.
dihancurkan oleh perang.
Our house was being destroyed by carpenter ants.
Rumah kami dihancurkan oleh semut tukang kayu.
60 homes were destroyed, and 40 were damaged.
60 rumah hancur, dan 40 rumah rusak.
all your pictures will be destroyed,
semua foto-foto kalian akan rusak,
In doing so, we've destroyed our credibility with the Security Council,
Dalam melakukan hal itu, kita menghancurkan kredibilitas kita dalam dewan keamanan
before it destroyed the Earth.
sebelum menghancurkan Bumi.
which has destroyed many civilizations
yang sudah menghancurkan banyak peradaban
because if a short-lived molecule undergoes damage, but then the molecule is destroyed --
karena jika molekul yang tidak tahan lama rusak, molekul itu akan dihancurkan --
like by a protein being destroyed by proteolysis -- then the damage is gone, too.
seperti protein dihancurkan oleh proteolisis -- lalu kerusakan itu hilang.
destroyed the tower,
menghancurkan menara itu,
that we destroyed a lot of Europe, and we had to rebuild it afterwards.
kita menghancurkan Eropa, dan harus membangunnya kembali.
Now, hundreds of homes were destroyed.
Ratusan rumah hancur akibat kebakaran itu.
have maintained or destroyed
telah melestarikan atau menghancurkan
The move destroyed the reservations,
Langkah ini menghancurkan tempat perlindungan itu,
We destroyed two pianos
Kami menghancurkan dua piano
all the building was totally destroyed.
seluruh bangunannya hancur.
and also especially many of the schools were destroyed
dan juga begitu banyak sekolah yang hancur
and all the concert halls were destroyed,
dan seluruh aula konser hancur sepenuhnya,
the symbol of Christchurch, was totally destroyed.
yang merupakan simbol Christchurch hancur total.
and destroyed its centrality in the world,
dan menghancurkan dominasinya di dunia
might have already destroyed it.
mungkin telah menghancurkannya.
and that almost destroyed me.
dan hal itu hampir menghancurkan saya
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