English to Indonesian
distributed membagi-bagikan
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distributed circuituntai teragih
distributed datadistributed data
spread out or scattered about or divided up
menyebar atau berserakan atau dibagi
source: WordNet 3.0

Kata yang berhubungan

atau penyaluran, bagikan, baru, beredar, berikan, berpencar, cair, dana, dialirkan, dibagi, dibagikan, dibagikannya, diberikan, dicairkan, didistribusikan, didistribusikan di, diedarkan, digulirkan, dijelaskan, dikelola, dikirim, dikucurkan, dilakukan, ke


this distributed R&D network,
jaringan litbang yang tersebar,
It's then distributed,
Lalu dipasarkan,
distributed across the world?"
tersebar di seluruh dunia.
are generally distributed widely in the world,
pada umumnya tersebar luas di dunia,
And as you can see, they're very non-uniformly distributed.
Dan seperti yang Anda lihat, mereka tersebar dengan tidak merata.
And how they're distributed really contributes
Dan bagaimana mereka tersebar benar-benar berkontribusi
and distributed them to sound editors
dan menyebarkannya ke penyunting suara
And those were then distributed to DJs
Dan sampel-sampel itu disebarkan ke para DJ
We've seen how distributed networks,
Kita telah melihat bagaimana jaringan terdistribusi,
The film hasn't even been distributed yet.
Film itu bahkan belum didistribusikan.
And you think of the Internet as this kind of distributed system.
Anda mungkin mengira Internet itu sejenis sistem distribusi.
And of course, it is, but it's distributed from places.
Memang benar, tapi distribusi itu berasal dari berbagai tempat.
In New York, this is where it's distributed from:
Di New York, inilah asal pendistribusiannya:
is distributed over
terdapat pada
the waste from our fish gets distributed,
kotoran ikan-ikan kami menyebar merata,
These revolutions have not been evenly distributed
Revolusi-revolusi ini belum terjadi dengan merata
be distributed homogeneously in the liquid,
tersebar secara merata di dalam cairan
to be distributed
untuk didistribusikan
and so basically its genome is alive, it's just unevenly distributed.
jadi pada dasarnya genomnya masih hidup, hanya tidak tersebar merata.
That's amazing parallel and distributed computing power,
Itulah kekuatan mengagumkan dari komputasi paralel dan terdistribusi,
is home to just 20,000 people, and they're very sparsely distributed.
merupakan rumah bagi 20.000 orang, dan mereka tinggal secara menyebar.
and apply it to this distributed class.
dan mengaplikasikan itu kepada kelas terdistribusi ini.
but distributed around the world. I'll come to that.
namun tersebar di seluruh dunia. Saya akan menjelaskannya nanti.
And this is a distributed network.
Ini adalah jaringan yang tersebar.
and I distributed six-packs of Cokes in the refrigerators --
dan saya menyebarkan paket 6 kaleng Coca-Cola di lemari es--
to a group of people distributed at the edges of a network.
kepada sekelompok masyarakat yang tersebar pada berbagai tepian jaringan.
to the outside world, to the distributed collection of the audience,
pada dunia luar, pada kumpulan pemirsa yang tersebar,
and distributed to individual Indians
dan dibagikan kepada masing-masing suku Indian
they went around and distributed to people
mereka berkeliling dan membagikan kepada orang-orang
If you ask how is power distributed in the world today,
Jika Anda bertanya bagaimana kekuasaan di dunia dibagikan,
it's distributed much like
kekuasaan akan terbagi
Power is chaotically distributed.
Kekuatannya terbagi secara acak.
is radically distributed. Each of us, in these advanced economies,
didistribusikan secara radikal. Setiap orang, dalam ekonomi maju ini,
it's a distributed data storage and retrieval system, where people,
itu adalah sistem penyimpanan dan pengambilan data yang terdistribusi, di mana semua orang,
versus this massive distributed grid.
dengan jaring-jaring raksasa ini.
We wanted to see how this applies to collaborative, distributed music making,
Kami mau melihat bagaimana itu diterapkan dalam pembuatan musik kolaboratif,
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