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france kb. Negeri Perancis.
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a republic in western Europe; the largest country wholly in Europe
sebuah republik di Eropa Barat; negara terbesar di Eropa sepenuhnya
source: WordNet 3.0

Kata yang berhubungan

bila, dari perancis, dari prancis, di prancis, francis, perancis, perancis yang, prancis, prancis yang


in France, had created the Jacquard loom,
di Perancis telah membuat penenun Jacquard
It was when I was on holiday last early autumn in France.
Saat saya berlibur pada awal musim gugur di Perancis.
You have situations, for instance, in France
Ada situasi, contohnya di Perancis
in Britain, France and Canada put together.
di Inggris, Prancis, dan Kanada bersama-sama.
Argentina, France --
Argentina, Perancis --
to France or Spain and work with them.
ke Perancis atau Spanyol dan bekerja dengan mereka.
like Israel or Iran or France or Germany,
seperti Israel, Iran, Prancis, atau Jerman,
Don't you have color in France?"
Memangnya tidak ada warna di Prancis?"
You can also bike the Tour de France without steroids, right?
Anda juga bisa bersepeda di Tour de France tanpa steroid bukan?
and then hop across the pond to France.
dan loncat melewati samudra ke Prancis.
In France, the doctors decided whether and when
Di Prancis, para dokter yang memutuskan mengapa
France's greatest illusionist,
pesulap terbesar Prancis,
I went to chef school in France.
Saya masuk ke sekolah koki di Prancis.
France, Russia, Iran,
Perancis, Rusia, Iran,
is something that was developed in France
adalah sesuatu yang dikembangkan di Perancis
Hall in the United States and Heroult in France.
Hall di Amerika Serikat dan Heroult di Perancis.
teaching centers. These pictures are from La Villette in France
semacam pusat belajar. Gambar ini adalah La Vilette di Perancis
Later on, in France, I loved eavesdropping on grownups' conversations,
Kemudian, di Perancis saya suka mencuri dengar percakapan orang dewasa,
The whole family came to settle in France in the '30s.
Seluruh keluarganya datang untuk menetap di Perancis pada tahun 30-an.
and even in France.
dan bahkan di Prancis.
Nicolas Sarkozy in France
Nicolas Sarkozy di Perancis,
focusing on happiness and wellness in France.
memfokuskan pada kebahagiaan dan kesejahteraan di Perancis.
coming from France, from the UK, from Japan,
dari Perancis, Inggris, Jepang,
but also in France and the UK
namun juga di Perancis dan Inggris
Every country has a contextual alcoholic drink. In France it's Pernod.
Setiap negara memiliki minuman beralkohol yang tergantung konteks. Di Prancis itu Pernod.
it's the big one down here -- the Ross Ice Shelf is the size of France.
yang berukuran besar disana -- Ross Ice Shelf berukuran sebesar Prancis.
And the fact that France
Fakta bahwa Perancis
was carried out in Dijon, France
dilakukan di Dijon, Perancis
In France, a bus company is suing people for forming a carpool,
Di Perancis, sebuah perusahaan bis menuntut orang-orang yang
Just 3 years ago, both the U.S. and France
Tiga tahun yang lalu, AS dan Perancis
to build the second Pompidou Center in France
untuk membangun Pompidou Center kedua di Prancis
five percent wanted France,
5 persen menginginkan seperti di Perancis,
And as usual, they had to buy nuclear power from France.
Dan seperti biasa, mereka harus membeli energi nuklir dari Perancis.
I was born in Strasbourg, France
Saya dilahirkan di Strasbourg, Perancis
Its largest recipients were Germany and France,
Penerima Marshall Plan terbesar adalah Jerman dan Perancis,
they're named after St. Acheul in France,
dinamakan dari St.Acheul di Prancis,
And one day we were walking. We were in France.
Suatu hari kami sedang berjalan. Kami ada di Perancis.
in the U.K., in France, in Spain
di Inggris, Perancis, Spanyol,
in the region in France and Spain.
sebuah daerah di Perancis dan Spanyol.
in southern France, which is a nice place to put an experiment.
di Perancis Selatan. Tempat yang bagus untuk melakukan penelitian.
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