English to Indonesian
herbivorous ks. (yg) hidup dari rumput atau tanam-tanaman, yang makan tumbuh-tumbuhan.
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feeding only on plants
makan hanya pada tanaman
source: WordNet 3.0

Kata yang berhubungan

herbivora, herbivora yang
fresh water herbivorous fish cyprinus
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amphibious herbivorous mammal hippopotamus
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numerous herbivorous nonpoisonous arthropods having
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several herbivorous leaping marsupials of
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thick skinned herbivorous animal
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massive thick skinned herbivorous animal
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massive herbivorous bipedal dinosaur
besar dinosaurus herbivora berkaki dua
massive powerful herbivorous odd toed
besar kuat herbivora aneh berujung
large herbivorous aquatic mammals with
besar mamalia herbivora air dengan
usually herbivorous land turtles having
biasanya herbivora tanah turtles memiliki
of numerous herbivorous nonpoisonous arthropods
dari banyak arthropoda nonpoisonous herbivora
of several herbivorous leaping marsupials
dari beberapa marsupial melompat herbivora
from carnivorous and herbivorous animals
dari hewan karnivora dan herbivora
of large aquatic herbivorous mammals
dari mamalia herbivora air besar
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