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ofkd. 1 a glass of milk segelas susu. 2 dari. 3 kurang. 4 akan. 5 untuk. 6 karena. 7 diantara.
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half of which would accrue to the Third World.
setengahnya akan mengalir ke negara-negara berkembang.
half of which died.
setengahnya meninggal.
of which the Against Malaria Foundation is number one.
seperti "the Against Malaria Foundation" (Yaysan Melawan Malaria) di urutan pertama.
Now, I'll show you some of the forums, most of which
Sekarang, saya tunjukkan beberapa forumnya, yang kebanyakan
practically none of which are cured,
yang selama ini tidak bisa disembuhkan,
of which it can be consciously aware of about 40.
dari jumlah itu yang bisa disadari kira-kira 40.
the majority of which, at least half, is going back into the Legacy Fund.
sebagian besar, lebih dari setengahnya, masuk ke Dana Peninggalan.
some of which are more quiet,
beberapa lebih tenang,
in each of which lay a child staring into space.
di setiap ranjang ada seorang anak dengan tatapan kosong.
most of which is coffee.
kebanyakan untuk kopi.
both of which are dangerous.
di mana keduanya berbahaya.
the likes of which a modern day never sees.
sesuatu yang tidak pernah terlihat di kehidupan modern.
both of which he has deep connections to.
dua-duanya sangat penting baginya.
of which there are thousands on YouTube,
yang sudah ada ribuan di Youtube.
the most drastic of which is called trachoma.
penyakit yang paling parah adalah trakom.
every single one of which has an answer.
yang setiap pertanyaannya memiliki sebuah jawaban.
each of which challenges an old assumption of philanthropy.
masing-masing akan mematahkan asumsi lama filantropi.
none of which had much cachet
tidak satupun yang digemari
of which we find ourselves a part.
di mana kita menemukan bagian kita di dalamnya.
some of which are happily architectural.
beberapa di antaranya arsitektural.
all of which have to work perfectly every time.
semuanya bekerja dengan sempurna setiap saat.
the likes of which you've never seen before.
seperti yang belum pernah Anda lihat sebelumnya.
the third of which was, "Are you related?"
yang ketiga adalah, "Apakah kalian memiliki hubungan keluarga?"
a few of which you've heard here today:
beberapa di antaranya telah Anda dengar hari ini.
many of which have been brought about by technology.
yang banyak dipengaruhi teknologi
of which symbols tend to occur together
di mana simbol-simbol ini cenderung muncul bersama
each of which will figure into a formula
yang masing-masing akan menjurus ke sebuah rumus
into a disorderly flight, of which the shameful example
menjadi perkelahian tanpa aturan, dimana contoh yang memalukan
And in each one of these research areas, of which there are even more,
Dan di setiap bidang penelitian ini, yang sebenarnya ada lebih banyak lagi,
most of which are global in their nature.
yang pada dasarnya sebagian besar adalah tantangan global.
the oldest of which is 13,000 years old.
yang tertua berusia 13,000 tahun.
but only one of which
namun hanya ada satu
most of which turn out to have planets going around them.
banyak yang akhirnya memiliki planet yang mengitari mereka
for the solution of which, those particular objects of research are ideally suited.
bagi jalan keluar, di mana objek penelitian itu sesuai.
some of which are obviously available now,
beberapa di antaranya sudah ada sekarang,
some of which they're developing.
beberapa yang lainnya masih dikembangkan.
of which they are inevitably a part,
di mana kota adalah bagian tak terpisahkan,
of which 90 percent of those mobile phones
di mana 90 persen dari telepon selular itu
of which 37,000 were birds.
di mana 37.000 di antaranya adalah burung.
one of which is slightly different from the other.
salah satunya sedikit berbeda dari lainnya.
in and of themselves -- neither of which can make glue,
bila berdiri sendiri-sendiri -- tidak satupun bisa menjadi lem,
neither of which are strong enough to make a good bread.
tak satupun cukup kuat untuk membuat roti yang baik.
Maybe the system, of which I was a part,
Mungkin sistem tersebutlah, yang saya terlibat di dalamnya,
16 billion of which are in the cerebral cortex,
16 miliar di antaranya adalah korteks otak
of which the range of visible light
dimana rentang gelombang cahaya kasat mata
Instead of which, we've allowed ourselves to be tempted
Namun, kita mengijinkan diri kita terbujuk
the tagline of which was "literate smut."
yang -- semboyannya adalah "mesum yang terpelajar."
of which both sides are beautiful.
dan kedua sisinya cantik.
one of which was called the "Nuisances Act,"
salah satunya disebut Undang-Undang Gangguan,
the worst of which can manifest themselves as
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