English to Indonesian
on the other hand pada sisi lain
on the other hand
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onke depan, masih berlangsung, di atas, pada, tentang
thekst. itu. T. elephant is an animal Gajah adalah seekor binatang. t. show pertunjukan itu. -kk. if both of you come so much t. better Kalau kamu berdua datang, tiu lebih baik lagi.
otherlain, lainnya, yang lain
handtangan, memberikan, pelaku, buruh, arah, posisi, tulisan, peranan


On the other hand we have two moving
Jadi di sisi lain kita punya dua sel-sel proto
And yet, on the other hand, if I didn't feel this compassion,
Meskipun demikian, di sisi lain, kalau saya tidak berbelas kasih,
On the other hand, there is declining yields
Di sisi lain, ada penurunan produksi
On the other hand, light can still get into the eye.
Di sisi lain, cahaya masih dapat masuk ke mata.
But on the other hand,
Tapi di lain pihak,
On the other hand, my definition of self
Dan di sisi lain, pengertianku atas diri
On the other hand,
Dengan kata lain,
But on the other hand, it also could be used
Di sisi lain, ia juga dapat digunakan
Conservatives, on the other hand, speak for institutions and traditions.
Konservatif, di sisi lain, berbicara tentang lembaga dan tradisi.
But on the other hand, Guizhou, one of the poorest
Namun di lain pihak, Guizhou, salah satu daerah termiskin
Language, on the other hand, has an intermediate level of entropy;
Bahasa, di sisi lain, memiliki derajat ketidakteraturan menengah;
But on the other hand,
Tapi di sisi lain,
On the other hand,
Disisi lain,
On the other hand,
Disisi lain,
But on the other hand, it was the scientific gold of the project,
Namun di sisi lain ada harta karun pengetahuan dalam proyek ini.
People, on the other hand, was a different subject.
Orang, di sisi lain, adalah subjek yang berbeda.
SETI, on the other hand, is really simple.
SETI, di sisi lain, sangatlah sederhana.
On the other hand, we humans,
Di sisi lain, kita manusia,
on the other hand, plays up this relationship
di sisi lain, mempermainkan hubungan
Now Kendall on the other hand --
Di sisi lain Kendall --
Dark energy, on the other hand,
Energi gelap, di lain pihak
whereas art on the other hand
sedangkan seni di sisi lain
On the other hand, there's Marc Andreessen
Di sisi lain ada Marc Andressen
On the other hand, the nation is too big.
Di sisi lain, negara itu terlalu besar.
On the other hand, it's a nightmare --
Di sisi lain, ini adalah mimpi buruk;
Communication between people, on the other hand,
Di sisi lain komunikasi antarmanusia
But on the other hand, if you start measuring,
Namun di sisi lain, jika Anda mulai mengukur
On the other hand, you're doing something new, no one's ever done before,
Di sisi lain, Anda melakukan hal baru yang belum pernah dilakukan sebelumnya,
and on the other hand, how much energy
dan di sisi lain, berapa banyak energi
But at the same time, on the other hand,
Tapi pada saat yang bersamaan, di sisi lain,
But on the other hand, they want to keep the server
Tapi di sisi lain, mereka ingin menjaga server-nya
on the other hand we have the unimaginable.
di sisi lainnya kita mempunyai hal yang tak terbayangkan.
and on the other hand, off.
dan sisi lain, berhenti.
But then, on the other hand, you have the American cities.
Namun, di sisi lain, ada juga kota-kota di Amerika.
On the other hand, somehow we manage to reason together
Pada akhirnya, kita akan bisa merundingkan bersama
and a society on the other hand, were closely related.
dan masyarakat pada sisi lainnya, berhubungan erat.
on the other hand.
di sisi lainnya.
Expansive listening, on the other hand,
Mendengar secara ekpansif, di sisi lain,
On the other hand, if we activate a group of neurons
Di pihak lain, jika kita mengaktifkan sekelompok saraf
On the other hand, if we put the receptor back in a different structure
Di pihak lain, jika kami mengembalikan reseptor ini ke dalam struktur yang lain
The smallest virus, on the other hand,
Di sisi lain, virus terkecil
If, on the other hand, you speak a futureless language,
Sebaliknya, jika Anda berbicara bahasa yang tidak memisahkan masa depan,
Crows, on the other hand, show up, and they try and figure it out.
Gagak, di sisi lain, muncul, dan mereka mencoba mengatasinya.
Then on the other hand, we have Wolfram Alpha,
Di sisi yang lain, kita punya Wolfram Alpha,
On the other hand,
Di sisi lain,
On the other hand,
Di sisi lain,
On the other hand, we can cheat a little bit,
Di sisi lain, kita boleh melakukan sedikit kecurangan,
On the other hand, because it's a rectangle,
Di sisi lain, karena bentuknya segiempat,
On the other hand, if your problem is you tend to postpone,
Di sisi lain, kalau masalah anda adalah anda cenderung menunda,
On the other hand, the Westerners
Di sisi lain, Barat
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