English to Indonesian
out there di luar sana
out there
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by Xamux Translate


we don't really know what's going on out there.
kita tidak benar-benar tahu apa yang terjadi di luar sana,
We have a serious compression of the curriculum happening out there.
Kita menerpakan kurikulum ketat pada sekolah tersebut.
Most of the educational games that are out there today
Kebanyakan games pendidikan yang ada saat ini
There are some great examples out there
Terdapat banyak contoh hebat tentang sekolah yang berhasil mengakomodasi
out there -- life that could be very different
di luar sana -- kehidupan yang mungkin sangat berbeda
out there in the universe. Thank you.
hadir di alam semesta. Terimakasih.
Bottom line is, there is a lot of problems out there in the world.
Intinya adalah, ada banyak masalah di dunia.
There are many, many problems out there.
Ada banyak, banyak masalah di luar sana.
There are many, many things we can do out there,
Ada banyak, banyak hal yang bisa kita lakukan,
There are many problems out there in the world.
Banyak masalah di dunia ini.
"Well, you know there's just so much out there -- I can't do anything,
"Terlalu banyak bencana di luar sana. Aku takkan bisa berbuat apa-apa.
CA: There are a lot of causes out there in the world that have been talked about,
Ada banyak masalah di dunia yang telah dibicarakan,
Now we know that there's a lot of animals out there that can do it too.
Sekarang kita tahu banyak hewan di luar sana juga bisa melakukannya.
of those stories out there,
kisah di luar sana.
out there in the middle of the traffic circle.
di sana, di tengah-tengah lingkaran lalu lintas.
And as I say, there is a hunger for change out there.
Dan seperti yang saya katakan, terdapat keinginan yang kuat untuk berubah di luar sana.
when you can't get out there,
saat Anda tidak bisa pergi ke sana,
We looked at the historical attempts that had been out there
Kita melihat pada percobaan bersejarah yang pernah ada
there is a huge underutilized resource out there.
ada banyak sumber daya yang kurang digunakan di sana.
of pulses, it knows that what was out there
dari pulsa ini, otak tahu bahwa di luar sana
that what was out there was, say, a dog,
bahwa di luar sana ada, katakanlah, anjing
device that's out there right now, which is
yang ada di pasaran sekarang,
what's out there. So you can see that
tentang apa yang ada di luar sana terbatas.
we don't always know. We know there are rules out there,
kita tidak selalu tahu -- kita tahu ada aturan-aturan di sana,
"When you think it's time to go, just stick the cane out there.
"Saat kau rasa saatnya kau menyeberang, ulurkan tongkatmu.
which are not so fortunate to live out there in the forest,
yang kurang beruntung karena tinggal di hutan itu
and put it out there like the Conservative Party did
dan menariknya seperti yang dilakukan Partai Konservatif
So we looked for a universal translator; I thought there would be one out there.
Jadi kami mencari penterjemah universal, saya merasa alat itu sudah tersedia.
We need culture out there."
Kami butuh budaya di luar sana."
And they're out there!
Dan mereka ada di sana!
It happens in the human brain. There is no evil force out there to get us.
Itu terjadi di otak manusia. Tidak ada kekuatan jahat di luar sana yang mengejar kita.
of the kids out there doing these crazy things.
anak-anak diluar sana yang sedang melakukan hal-hal gila seperti ini.
and suddenly there are millions of people out there
dan tiba-tiba ada jutaan orang di luar sana
All those ideas are already out there in print.
Semua gagasan ini sudah ada dalam bentuk cetak.
and to help shine a light on the very best of what's out there.
dan untuk membantu menyorotkan cahaya pada yang terbaik dari yang ada.
But the good news is they are out there.
Tetapi kabar baiknya adalah mereka ada di luar sana.
which now has 400 million internet users out there?
yang sekarang memiliki 400 juta pengguna internet?
The data was out there, it was open, it was freely available,
Datanya ada di sana dan tersedia secara bebas,
It comes from information that is freely available and out there,
Namun datang dari informasi yang tersedia secara luas
and today there's an additional one billion people out there
dan hari ini ada tambahan satu milyar orang
Someone who didn't have a childhood is out there.
Ada seseorang di sana yang tidak mengalami masa kecil.
How's that look out there? Pretty good.
Bagaimana kelihatannya? Cukup bagus.
There's really a tree like that out there. That's really what it comes to.
Benar-benar ada pohon seperti itu di sana. Itulah yang benar-benar akan terjadi.
We're telling the germs out there how to fight us.
Kita memberi tahu kuman bagaimana cara melawan kita.
"Well, I don't think black holes are out there," they'd hoot you off the stage.
"Saya rasa lubang hitam itu tidak ada di sana," mereka akan menurunkan Anda dari panggung.
out there, that are 50 miles in diameter or more,
di sana, ada yang bergaris tengah 50 mil atau lebih,
Because we can actually figure out every asteroid that's out there,
Karena kita dapat mencari tahu setiap asteroid di sana,
In fact, NASA has shown a lot of this is out there.
Bahkan, NASA sudah menunjukkan bahwa banyak yang seperti ini di luar sana.
of all of the replicas out there -- and there is a few --
dari semua replika yang ada -- dan ada beberapa --
Here, I'm going to put it out there,
Ini, saya akan -- saya akan letakkan di sana,
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