English to Indonesian
pertinently secara bertalian
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by Xamux Translate
in a pertinent way
dengan cara yang bersangkutan
source: WordNet 3.0

Kata yang berhubungan

manner fitly properly pertinently appropriately
batang dengan benar pertinently tepat
thrust impertinently to present without
dorong impertinently untuk hadir tanpa
impertinently or maliciously communicates intelligence
impertinently atau jahat berkomunikasi intelijen
impertinently inquisitive prying meddlesome
impertinently ingin tahu mencongkel usil
one who impertinently or maliciously
orang yang impertinently atau jahat
one who impertinently or
salah satu yang impertinently atau
tales one who impertinently
tales salah satu yang impertinently
to thrust impertinently to present
untuk dorong impertinently untuk hadir
who impertinently or maliciously communicates
yang impertinently atau jahat berkomunikasi
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