English to Indonesian
rooted berurat akar
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by Xamux Translate
adjective satellite
absolutely still
benar-benar masih
source: WordNet 3.0

Kata yang berhubungan

berakar, berasal, hadapi berakar, memunahkan, mengakar, tanpa terkecuali, tertancap, yang berakar


Which is rooted in one-life culture.
Yang berakar dari budaya satu-kehidupan.
It's rooted in extraction.
Itu berakar pada ekstraksi.
we just couldn't seem to get the virus rooted out.
kami tampaknya tidak dapat memberantas virus ini.
when he said that freedom was rooted in private property rights
yang mengatakan bahwa kemerdekaan barasal dari hak kekayaan pribadi
is rooted in assumptions about the human performance underlying its creation."
berasal dari asumsi tentang kinerja manusia yang mendasari kreasinya."
As you know, one leg of the compass is static, rooted in a place.
Seperti anda tau, salah satu jarum jangka itu statis, tertancap di satu tempat.
One part of it is rooted in Istanbul,
Satu bagian tertancap di Istanbul
that's rooted in ocean-basin-wide conservation,
yang berdasarkan perlindungan seluruh ceruk lautan
Trees are rooted in the ground in one place
Pohon tertanam di tanah pada satu tempat
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