English to Indonesian
shortly after tidak lama sesudah
shortly after
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by Xamux Translate
afteryang berikutnya, kemudian, sesudah itu


So shortly after the war,
Tidak lama sesudah perang,
Shortly after that I got invited
Tidak lama setelah itu, saya diundang
And shortly after, we left the country,
Setelah itu, kami meninggalkan negara itu.
Shortly after I performed the first liver transplant,
Segera setelah saya melakukan pencangkokan hati pertama,
They'd had to pull in at Catalina Island shortly after they left Long Beach
Mereka harus singgah di Pulau Catalina tidak lama setelah meninggalkan Long Beach
And very shortly after my birth,
Dan segera setelah saya lahir,
Shortly after, my parents got separated,
Tidak lama setelah itu, orang tua saya memutuskan untuk berpisah
Shortly after, I went
Tidak lama setelah itu, saya pindah lagi
Shortly after her visit,
Setelah kunjungannya,
And shortly after the election and the outbreak of violence,
Setelah pemilu yg diakhiri kekerasan rasialis berlalu,
A friend told me, shortly after that,
Seorang teman mengatakan, beberapa saat setelah itu,
Shortly after that I moved back to Tennessee.
Tak berapa lama setelah itu saya pindah ke Tennessee.
that went out shortly after he died.
yang keluar tak lama setelah dia meninggal.
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