English to Indonesian
singularity keganjilan, keanehan
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the quality of being one of a kind
kualitas menjadi salah satu dari jenis
source: WordNet 3.0

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which I am going to call the social singularity.
Yang akan saya sebut dengan singularitas sosial.
Vernor Vinge's notion of a technological singularity,
Vernor Vinge tentang singularitas teknologi,
It may be that the social singularity
Bisa jadi singularitas sosial yang akan datang
The question is, is there a positive social singularity?
Pertanyaannya, adakah singularitas sosial yang positif?
Because I had them through 2002 in my book, "The Singularity is Near."
Karena saya hanya punya sampai 2002 dalam buku saya, "The Singularity is Near."
in true TED tradition, Singularity University.
dalam semangat TED sejati, Univeristas Singularitas.
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