English to Indonesian
squid kb. ikan cumi-cumi.
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(Italian cuisine) squid prepared as food
(Masakan Italia) squid disiapkan sebagai makanan
source: WordNet 3.0

Kata yang berhubungan

cumi, udang


Now this guy, this bigfin squid, is seven meters in length.
Sekarang cumi-cumi sirip besar ini, 7 meter panjangnya.
Vibrio fischeri lives in this squid.
Vibrio fischeri tinggal di dalam cumi-cumi ini.
What you are looking at is the Hawaiian Bobtail Squid,
Yang anda lihat adalah cumi-cumi Hawaiian Bobtail,
The reason the squid is willing to put up with these shenanigans
Alasan si cumi-cumi mau terlibat dengan kerepotan ini
is that this little squid lives just off the coast of Hawaii,
adalah karena si cumi-cumi ini hidup di daerah lepas pantai Hawaii,
The squid is nocturnal, so during the day
Cumi-cumi tersebut nokturnal, jadi ketika siang hari
the squid lives in, since it's just in those couple feet of water.
tempat cumi-cuminya hidup, karena dia hidup memang di kedalaman beberapa kaki tersebut.
What the squid has developed is a shutter
Yang cumi-cumi itu miliki adalah semacam pengepas kamera
exactly matches how much light hits the squid's back,
sama persis dengan cahaya yang mengenai punggung cumi-cuminya,
so the squid doesn't make a shadow.
jadi cumi-cuminya tidak memiliki bayangan.
But then if you think about it, the squid has this terrible problem
Tapi lalu kalau Anda pikirkan, cumi-cuminya punya masalah yang parah
the squid goes back to sleep, it buries itself in the sand,
cumi-cuminya kembali tidur, dia mengubur dirinya di pasir,
but of course the squid doesn't care. It's asleep in the sand.
tapi tentu cumi-cuminya tidak peduli. Dia sedang tidur di dalam pasir.
at night, exactly when the squid wants it.
pada malam hari, persis saat cumi-cuminya menginginkannya.
just the way a squid or an octopus will release an ink cloud.
sama seperti seekor cumi-cumi atau gurita mampu mengeluarkan awan tinta.
There's jellyfish, there's squid,
Ubur-ubur, dan juga cumi-cumi,
This is a squid, over six feet long,
Ini adalah seekor cumi-cumi, panjangnya lebih dari enam kaki,
just the way a squid or an octopus would release an ink cloud.
sama seperti cumi atau gurita melepaskan tinta hitam.
This little squid is called the fire shooter
Udang kecil ini disebut si penembak
And that was a Humboldt squid,
Dan itu adalah cumi-cumi Humboldt,
a juvenile Humboldt squid, about three feet long.
cumi-cumi Humboldt remaja, panjangnya sekitar tiga kaki.
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