English to Indonesian
stainless anti karat
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stainless steelbaja tahan-karat
steel containing chromium that makes it resistant to corrosion
baja mengandung kromium yang membuatnya tahan terhadap korosi
source: WordNet 3.0

Kata yang berhubungan



that's in stainless steel
yang terbuat dari baja,
of this stainless steel pressure vessel,
pada wadah baja tahan karat bertekanan,
It's very easy to pick up a stainless-steel bottle
Sangat mudah untuk mengambil botol besi
if you're traveling and you've forgotten to bring your stainless-steel bottle
jika anda bepergian dan lupa membawa botol besi anda
or pewter or stainless steel
atau timah atau stainless steel
stainless steel chemical tanker
tanker kimia berjenis stainless steel
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