English to Indonesian
tapir kb. tenuk, babi alu.
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large inoffensive chiefly nocturnal ungulate of tropical America and southeast Asia having a heavy body and fleshy snout
ungulata terutama malam hari ofensif besar Amerika tropis dan Asia Tenggara memiliki tubuh berdaging berat dan moncong
source: WordNet 3.0
rhinoceros tapir horse and hog
badak tapir kuda dan babi
the elephant hippopotamus rhinoceros tapir
gajah kuda nil badak tapir
jaguar called also tapir tiger
jaguar disebut juga tapir harimau
toes as the horse tapir
jari jari kaki kuda tapir
hippopotamus rhinoceros tapir horse
kuda nil badak tapir kuda
horses tapirs rhinoceros extinct forms
kuda tapir badak bentuk punah
nonruminant ungulates horses tapirs rhinoceros
nonruminant ungulates kuda tapir badak
really love yellow and tapirs
sangat suka kuning dan tapir
tapirs and extinct related forms
tapir dan bentuk punah terkait
tapir horse and hog it
tapir kuda dan babi hal
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