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that have been yang telah
that have been
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that have been set in place
yang dirancang untuk kaum perempuan
CA: There are a lot of causes out there in the world that have been talked about,
Ada banyak masalah di dunia yang telah dibicarakan,
and things that have been happening, for example, in Egypt?
dan hal yang telah terjadi, misalnya, di Mesir?
that have been set off since 1945.
yang telah diledakkan sejak 1945.
that have been converted into
yang telah diubah menjadi
and it has plans now that have been approved
dan kini ada sebuah rencana yang telah disetujui
that have been highly influenced by technology --
yang telah banyak dipengaruhi oleh teknologi --
that have been extraordinarily innovative;
yang sudah sangat luar biasa inovatif;
that have been blessed by their messiah.
yang sudah diberkati oleh juru selamat mereka.
that have been geo-coded.
yang diberi kode-geo.
of all of the scientific studies that have been conducted.
akan semua penelitian ilmiah yang telah dilakukan.
but concepts that have been proposed by others in the past.
tapi konsep yang dulu telah diajukan oleh orang lain
that have been abandoned for decades,
yang telah ditinggalkan selama puluhan tahun
because of the campaigns that have been run by people to change the world.
karena kampenye oleh orang-orang untuk mengubah dunia.
and there have even been planets that have been speculated diamond worlds.
ada juga planet yang dispekulasikan mengandung banyak berlian
But there's some things that have been going on
Namun ada beberapa hal yang sedang terjadi
But what's great about it, from the tests that have been done, is,
Namun hal yang luar biasa, dari pengujian yang telah dilakukan adalah,
that have been invested in infrastructure around the world,
yang telah diinvestasikan di seluruh dunia
These are called motor command neurons that have been known for a long time.
Ini disebut neuron pemerintah gerakan yang telah diketahui sejak lama.
that have been written since the dawn of time.
yang telah ditulis sejak awal jaman.
Here are the ones that have been cancelled in the last few years
Ini adalah pembangkit listrik yang telah ditutup beberapa tahun belakangan
memory sticks that have been lost
kartu memori yang hilang
that have been in my life.
yang saya kenal
of Pythagoras' theorem that have been discovered.
dari teorema Pitagoras yang telah ditemukan.
new libraries that have been built
perpustakaan-perpustakaan baru yang telah dibangun
that have been used before."
yang telah dipakai sebelumnya."
the billions of dollars that have been spent.
miliaran dollar telah dihabiskan.
pilot projects, regulatory things that have been changed.
proyek percobaan, peraturan yang diubah.
There's a lot of great books that have been written about this.
Banyak buku buku bagus yang telah ditulis mengenai ini.
We have thousands of collections that have been sent out
Kami memiliki ribuan koleksi yang telah dikirimkan
that have been in conflict and conversation within me
yang telah berselisih dan bercakap-cakap di dalam diri saya
that have been found from Lake Turkana.
yang ditemukan di Danau Turkana.
which you know from all the political polls that have been happening lately.
yang anda tahu dari berbagai jajak pendapat yang sedang tren saat ini.
there actually have been one or two that have been seen in the wild.
sebenarnya ada satu atau dua ekor yang sudah terlihat di alam liar.
These are zebra fish that have been genetically engineered
Ini adalah ikan zebra yang telah direkayasa secara genetis
these elders that have been here
para tetua yang sudah ada di Bumi
that have been made about this,
yang telah disebutkan mengenai hal ini,
There is about 20 regions of the brain that have been modeled,
Ada sekitar 20 wilayah otak yang sudah dimodel,
Perhaps Africa can avoid some of the mistakes that have been made.
Mungkin Afrika dapat menghindari beberapa kesalahan yang mereka lakukan sebelumnya.
and vehicles that have been out there
dan kendaraan yang ada di luar sana
that have been successfully implanted into patients.
yang telah dipasangkan dengan sukses ke para pasien.
for the old stars, stars that have been around the center of the galaxy
dari bintang tua, bintang-bintang yang telah berada di pusat galaksi
that have been done on a particular treatment.
yang telah dilakukan terhadap pengobatan tertentu.
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