English to Indonesian
very much like sangat mirip dengan
very much like
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by Xamux Translate


Sounds very much like the journey through
Terdengar seperti perjalan melewati
So, I'd very much like to see us begin to
Jadi, saya ingin sekali melihat kita mulai
So it's very much like in a Hollywood movie
Jadi ini mirip seperti film Hollywood
very much like a fingerprint.
seperti sebuah sidik jari.
that's very much like this grasshopper:
yang sangat mirip dengan belalang:
"Hold on a minute. She doesn't look very much like an ocean rower.
"Tunggu sebentar. Dia tidak tampak seperti pendayung di laut.
and then made a plan, very much like in grade school.
dan kemudian membuat sebuah rencana, seperti ketika di sekolah dasar.
It looks very much like the Apollo pictures
Terlihat sama persis dengan gambar dari Apollo
rounds look very much like this,
diskusi itu terlihat seperti ini,
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