Indonesian to English
ahli teknologi technological expert
ahli teknologi
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ahliexpert, specialist, skilled, highly competent, professional

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Ia ahli teknologi.
He's the technology wiz.
kepada tim ahli teknologi dan desainer
to a team of technologists and designers
Pada tahun 1983, Jeff Sutherland adalah seorang ahli teknologi
In 1983, Jeff Sutherland was a technologist
Saya seorang ahli teknologi kreatif
I'm a creative technologist
bersama dengan orang-orang ahli teknologi disini, tentu saja saya tidak termasuk --
and the technology people that are here, which I'm totally not one of them --
menginspirasi generasi ilmuwan, ahli teknologi,
inspire the next generation of scientists,
matematikawan, dan ahli teknologi generasi berikutnya.
of scientists, engineers, mathematicians and technologists.
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