Indonesian to English
asteroid asteroid
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ketika sebuah asteroid mendekati planet kita.
recently, when an asteroid passed close to our planet.
jalur asteroid yang bisa hancur berkeping-keping bersama kita,
the path of asteroids that might collide with us,
dan kita telah mendarat di asteroid - asteroid, kita telah bertemu dengan komet-komet,
and we have landed on asteroids, we have rendezvoused with comets,
dan satelit penelitian dan pertambangan asteroid.
and research satellites and asteroid mining.
asteroid besar menuju ke bumi.
a really big asteroid heads for Earth.
Ahli astronomi memprediksi bahwa asteroid kecil seperti itu datang setiap 100 tahun,
Astronomers estimate that little asteroids like that come about every hundred years.
di tahun 1989 asteroid besar lewat pada jarak 400.000 mil dari bumi.
In 1989, a large asteroid passed 400,000 miles away from Earth.
Asteroid itu tepat melewati orbit bumi. Kita ada di sana enam jam sebelumnya,
It passed directly through Earth's orbit. We were in that that spot six hours earlier.
asteroid kecil, sekitar setengah mil, akan menyalakan badai api
A small asteroid, say a half mile wide, would touch off firestorms
sebuah asteroid selebar 5 mil menyebabkan kepunahan besar --
An asteroid five miles wide causes major extinctions.
kami pikir lebar asteroid yang membunuh dinosaurus sekitar 5 mil.
We think the one that got the dinosaurs was about five miles wide.
Yang harus lebih diperhatikan, saya pikir, adalah asteroid yang ada di antara Mars dan Jupiter.
Of more concern, I think, is the asteroids that exist between Mars and Jupiter.
dan mungkin ada 700.000 asteroid di antara Mars dan Jupiter
that there are probably 700,000 asteroids between Mars and Jupiter
Anda akan lihat bahwa peluang tabrakan asteroid atau komet membunuh Anda
You'll notice that the chance of an asteroid-slash-comet impact killing you
ini seperti uang saku -- untuk mencari asteroid.
that is like pocket change -- to search for asteroids.
Karena kita dapat mencari tahu setiap asteroid di sana,
Because we can actually figure out every asteroid that's out there,
dan apakah asteroid itu akan menabrak bumi, dan kapan.
and if it might hit Earth, and when it might hit Earth.
Jalan keluar bagian kedua -- kita harus mencari tahu bagaimana untuk meledakkan asteroid
Part two of the solutions: we need to figure out how to blow up an asteroid,
Kita mengirim roket ke sabuk asteroid,
We sent a probe out to this asteroid belt,
yang bernama NEAR, " Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous."
called NEAR, Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous.
Dan benda ini mengorbit asteroid sepanjang 30 -- bukan 22 mil bernama Eris.
And these guys orbited a 30 -- or no, about a 22-mile long asteroid called Eros.
Kita telah mendaratkan roket di asteroid. Itu bukan masalah besar.
We have landed a rocket ship on an asteroid. It's not a big deal.
namun kita tidak memiliki sesuatu yang cukup besar untuk melelehkan asteroid sebesar 22 mil.
but we don't really have anything big enough to melt a 22-mile long asteroid,
Namun kita dapat belajar untuk mendarat di asteroid dengan nama kita itu
But we can learn to land on these asteroids that have our name on them
tanpa mengkhawatirkan asteroid.
without worrying about an asteroid. (Laughter)
Kita mengalami tabrakan dengan asteroid.
we had an asteroid impact.
Bumi ini ditabrak oleh sebuah asteroid,
The Earth was struck by an asteroid,
jika ada tabrakan asteroid besar atau letusan gunung berapi raksasa.
would have been major asteroid impacts or volcanic super-eruptions.
bahkan asteroid yang menabrak bumi.
even of an asteroid hitting the Earth.
Sebuah asteroid menghantam, dan dunia jatuh dalam api.
An asteroid hits, and the world went down in flames.
hal-hal di luar kendali kita. Masalah terbesar kita bukanlah asteroid
things beyond our control. Our biggest threat is not an asteroid
asteroid maya di dalam game ini
a virtual asteroid in it
dari tabrakan dengan asteroid dan meteorit.
from being impacted by asteroids and meteorites.
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