Indonesian to English
bebek duck
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  1. angsa
  2. belibis
  3. dendang laut
bebek cinamandarin duck
bebekismea mental outlook characterized by unthinking loyalty to a leader or society.

Related Word(s)

cub, duck, ducks


Pada dasarnya anda ambil seekor angsa atau bebek
Basically you take a goose or a duck
angsa dan bebek makan banyak
geese and ducks gorge on food
Dia merasa bahwa bebek-bebek itu merasa diperdaya.
He felt like they felt manipulated.
yang ditinggali angsa dan bebek
so there were swans and ducks swimming around
Dan ayam-ayam dan bebek-bebek dan kalkun-kalkun
And chickens and ducks and geese and turkeys
bahwa kita hanyalah seekor bebek dalam gerombolan,
that we're just another duck in a row,
Di sini saya membeli pasta rasa daging bebek
This is me buying some duck flavored paste
dan menggunakan seekor bebek
and employed a duck
yang mengubah hidup saya dan mengakhiri hidup bebek itu.
that changed my life and ended that of a duck.
Bebek ini sudah mati karena terbang menabrak jendela.
This is the dead duck. It flew against the window.
Bebek ini tergeletak dengan perutnya.
It's laying dead on its belly.
Namun di sebelah bebek itu ada bebek hidup
But next to the dead duck is a live duck,
Kedua bebek ini jantan.
Both are of the male sex.
bebek hidup itu menaiki si bebek mati
The live duck mounted the dead duck,
Jadi saya keluar, mengambil bebek itu
So I went out, collected the duck,
saya memeriksa apakah itu benar-benar bebek jantan.
I checked if the victim was indeed of the male sex.
Dan inilah gambar langka dari penis bebek,
And here's a rare picture of a duck's penis,
jadi memang benar itu bebek jantan.
so it was indeed of the male sex.
B adalah tempat di mana bebek itu menabrak kaca
B is the place where the duck hit the glass,
Dan inilah bebek itu.
And here are the ducks again.
yang mengatakan, "Anda mendapat penghargaan dari makalah bebek Anda:
and he told me, "You've won a prize with your duck paper:
dan inilah bebek itu.
and here's the duck.
Inilah pertama kalinya bebek itu ada di pantai barat Amerika.
This is its first time on the U.S. West Coast.
semua hal yang berhubungan dengan bebek,
all kinds of duck-related things,
Di sini Anda melihat bebek mati.
And here you see a dead duck.
Bebek itu sudah ada di sana selama 3 hari
It's been there for three days,
bebek itu dikeluarkan dari museum,
the duck comes out of the museum,
dan memesan enam masakan bebek untuk makan malam.
and we have a six-course duck dinner.
Bisa tolong kembalikan bebek saya?
May I have my duck back, please?
Ratusan ribu dari anak burung yang seukuran bebek ini mati
Hundreds of thousands of the goose-sized chicks are dying
induk bebek dengan anak-anak bebeknya,
like a mommy duck does to its duckling,
beputar-putar mengejar bebek di jalan. (Tertawa)
chasing a duck in circles on the road. (Laughter)
Kita tidak hanya berurusan dengan bebek.
Now, we don't have to deal with just ducks.
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