Indonesian to English
belerang sulphur
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  1. sulfur
    (belerang, welirang)
  2. welirang

Related Word(s)

brimstone, fumigates, phosphor, sulfur, sulphur, sulphureous, sulphuric, sulphurous, vitriol


Inilah Gunung Pinatubo di awal tahun 90-an. Gunung itu melontarkan sejumlah belerang
Here's Mount Pinatubo in the early '90s. That put a whole bunch of sulfur
berpikir tentang hal yang lebih cerdas dibandingkan sekedar memasukkan belerang.
eventually think of cleverer things to do than just putting sulfur in.
Menghirup gas belerang dioksida,
You know, breathing high concentrations here
Namun ini juga bukan tentang api dan belerang.
But it's not about fire and brimstone either.
? Tanpa surga, tanpa hujan belerang berapi ?
? There is no heaven, no fire and brimstone. ?
Faktanya, bakteri pereduksi belerang,
In fact, sulfur-reducing bacteria,
belerang oksida dan nitrogen.
oxides of sulfur and nitrogen.
Hidrogen dihasilkan saat belerang dibuang dari bensin
It's produced to get sulfur out of gasoline
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