Indonesian to English
beli buy
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  1. bayar
    (beri (uang), tukar)
  2. belanja
  3. borong
  4. kulak
beli barang karena takut kekuranganscare buying
beli lebihoverbought
beliayouth, young
beliakmem-beliak, ter-beliak wide open and staring (of eyes). mem-beliak-kan open eyes wide.
beliansee BERLIAN.
beliaurespectful third-
belibisk.o. wild duck, the teal.
belidak.o. fish.
beligowax gourd
beliksee BLEK.
belikatscapula, shoulder bone.
belikubend, curve (in road etc).
belimbingridged longitudinally, star fruit
belingporcelain, shards
belintanglie across, be athwart
belitcoil, curve

Related Word(s)

affairs, afford, beguileth, bought, business, buy, buying, contract, deal, distracts, divert, diverts, friendship, get, oneside, price, purchase, purchased, purchasing, sale, trade, trading, untr


yang anda beli sangat mahal benar-benar dari kambing.
that you paid so much for is really goat's.
yang saya beli hanya dengan £3,94
which I'd bought for just 3.49 pounds,
yang mampu mereka beli,
the biggest house they can afford,
Ini adalah penelitian yang tidak dapat kami beli.
This is research -- can't buy it.
objek-objek yang kita beli dan gunakan mempunyai konsekuensi tersembunyi.
the objects that we buy and use have hidden consequences.
konsekuensi atas barang-barang yang kita beli dan gunakan.
of the things we buy and use.
Komputer meja pertama yang saya beli
When I bought my first desktop,
Saya sudah beli replika, replika buruk sekali,
I'd bought a replica, a really crappy replica,
ada beli di dunia.
or obtain out in the world.
tapi saya kenal dari beberapa jual-beli model, adalah pengurus pertukangan di dekat saya.
but befriended through some prop deals, was the manager of a local foundry.
Yang paling kiri adalah tiruan jelek -- replika yang saya beli di eBay.
On the far left is a piece of crap -- a replica I bought on eBay.
Ya begitulah, kita beli barang-barang itu, kami siapkan semuanya dan kemudian kami menanti.
Anyway, we bought 'em, we set everything up and then we waited.
yang saya beli di suatu lelang Berkeley --®
that I bought in a Berkeley auction right there --
Terdapat berbagai cara yang cerdas untuk membeli mobil dan menghimpun daya beli tersebut
There are smart ways to buy them and to aggregate that purchasing power
perusahaan tersebut memasang iklan "Jangan Beli Jaket Ini"
the company placed a "Don't Buy This Jacket"
"Wah, ini lucu banget. Kamu beli dimana?"
"Wow, that's really cute. Where can I get one?"
Patokannya sangat mudah: beli yang hijau, jangan beli yang merah,
The association is very easy: buy green, don't buy red,
Itu adalah pelek yang Anda beli untuk mobil Anda.
that's the rims that you can buy for your car.
sampai saya beli tempat duduk sendiri dan membawanya kemana-mana.
until I bought my own seat and carried it around.
yang kami beli di jalanan Pantai Venice
that we bought at the Venice Beach boardwalk,
jelas buat saya bahwa saat itu, beli dengan murah, kemudian jual dengan mahal
But it was obvious to me, right? Buy low, sell high.
Tapi beli saja.
Buy it anyway.
Temannya bilang "Ya sudah, beli saja"
Her friend says, "Buy it already."
yang dapat Anda beli di Whole Foods.
that you can buy at Whole Foods.
Dan hotel pertama ini yang saya beli, motel,
And this first hotel that I bought, motel,
Jika anda menggunakan headphone, belilah yang paling bagus yang anda dapat beli.
If you're going to use headphones, buy the best ones you can afford
Dia baru beli Nano-nya sendiri.
He has bought his own Nano.
Ternyata malam yang Anda beli di toko dapat menghantarkan listrik,
It turns out that regular Play-Doh that you buy at the store conducts electricity,
bila Anda bilang, "Kami akan beli 300 ton produk ini.
if you say, "We will buy 300 metric tons of this.
strategi beli dan tunggu.
a buy and hold strategy.
yang mengaitkan kita pada perbudakan dalam produk yang kita beli
that tie us to slavery in the products we buy,
Berdasarkan daya beli masyarakat.
It's based on purchasing power parity.
dimana mereka beli komputer-komputer yang terjangkit.
where these guys are buying infected computers.
Anda bisa beli apa saja daring
you can just go online and buy whatever you want
tantang apa jenis makanan yang mereka beli
about what kind of food they buy
Bill Gates: Agar bisa menjalankan perangkat lunak, beli superkomputer,
Bil Gates: To actually do the software, buy the supercomputer,
yang hanya si kaya mampu beli.
then the rich can afford that.
produk mana yang akan anda beli untuk diri sendiri
about which product to buy for yourself
Dan orang mengatakan, "Beli saja produk lain."
And people say, "Well, they should just buy a different product."
kebanyakan makanan yang Anda beli di supermarket
the majority of food you buy in the supermarket
Bisakah saya beli produk tersebut
Can I buy that product
apa yang mereka beli berdasarkan pembelian mereka.
and what they're buying based on their purchases.
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