Indonesian to English
beluk 1. k.o. insect, stalk borer. 2. see SELUK 1.
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belukarthicket, shruth
belukar berduribrier
belukusee WALUKU.

Related Word(s)

gritty, knows, particular


oleh orang-orang yang jelas-jelas tahu seluk-beluk sasarannya.
by people who obviously had all insider information.
Saya percaya dalam seluk-beluk, seluk-beluk cerita,
I believe in specifics, the specifics of story,
dan masa lalu, seluk-beluk masa lalu,
and the past, the specifics of that past,
tapi orang-orang yang penuh gairah tentang seluk beluk jagat raya,
but really people who are passionate about the various nooks and crannies of the universe,
Dan inilah seluk beluk lahirnya revolusi di Tunisia.
And this is how the revolution was born in Tunisia.
seorang pria yang terlibat dalam seluk - beluk
a man who's been at the nitty, gritty heart
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