Indonesian to English
belum selesai inconclusive
belum selesai
please wait
by Xamux Translate
belumnot yet, not
selesaidone, finished

Related Word(s)

incomplete, unfinished


belum selesai mempersiapkan mata kuliah ini. (Tawa)
hadn't finished preparing the class yet. (Laughter)
Paul Nicklen: Terima kasih banyak. Acaranya belum selesai.
Paul Nicklen: Thank you very much. The show's not over.
Dalam simfoni semesta alam yang luas dan belum selesai ini,
In this vast unfinished symphony of the universe,
bahwa ini adalah masalah dan masalah ini belum selesai.
that this is a problem and that it has not been fixed.
Saya belum selesai.
I'm not done yet. I'm not done yet.
belum selesai,
is not over,
Ada satu tantangan yang belum selesai
There is one unfinished challenge
Namun perjalanan Scott tetap belum selesai.
But Scott's journey remains unfinished.
Mendekorasi proyek yang belum selesai
Decoration of the unfinished project
Meninggalkan sesuatu belum selesai membuatnya menarik.
Leaving something incomplete makes it interesting,
Meninggalkan sesuatu belum selesai membuatnya menarik,
Leaving something incomplete makes it interesting,
tiang-tiang bangunan yang belum selesai itu.
every column of this unfinished tower.
dan kisah-kisah yang belum selesai.
and stories that are by no means over yet.
Chris Anderson: Kita belum selesai.
Chris Anderson: We're not quite done yet.
membuat film independen dengan dana sendiri, film ini masih belum selesai
did an independent, self-funded film, still in progress,
yang belum selesai.
that has yet to end.
jembatan yang belum selesai?
a half-built bridge?
Jadi ini sama sekali belum selesai,
So this isn't finished at all,
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