Indonesian to English
beragam various
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beragama1 have a religious.. 2 be religious.

Related Word(s)

biodiversity, complete, different, distinct, divergent, diverse, diversely, diversified, diversity, flavor, immeasurable, kinds, magnum, many, mixed, multiple, range, rich, selling, several, unequal, varied, varies, variety, various, variously, vary, wide


“Bagaimana kalian mengatasi ini? Mereka yang tinggal di lingkungan ini sangat beragam.
"How do you guys navigate? This is a really diverse community.
lebih beragam daripada daerah pinggiran biasa
more diverse than typical suburbia,
namun kurang beragam dibandingkan kota.
but they're less diverse than cities.
Kita sudah mencoba beragam pendekatan,
We've tried various approaches,
Terlepas dari kenyataan ini sistem yang paling kompleks dan beragam
Despite the fact that this is the most complex and diverse system
dengan jumlah beragam -- 19 tahun lamanya.
in unequal quantities -- 19 years of this.
yang dapat menghasilkan beragam pola motor berbeda,
that can produce a vast variety of different motor patterns,
manusia yang sangat beragam,
large variety of human conditions,
beragam barang di pasar yang baru,
the new consumer marketplace,
bahwa Cina sangat beragam
that China is extremely diverse
kita bertahan di lingkungan yang lebih beragam,
we survive in more different environments,
Kita hidup di dunia yang besar, beragam, dan indah,
We live in a big, diverse and beautiful world,
karena kita memiliki beragam etnik,
because we have all the ethnic diversities, all the -- you know,
beragam genetik, beragam ras,
the genetic diversity, all the racial diversities,
dan juga beragam kondisi sosial ekonomi.
and also all the socio-economic diversities.
harus menyimpan beragam informasi mengenai penggunanya.
has to store a wide range of information about the users.
beragam sifat yang sangat berbeda.
an immense variety of properties.
dari beragam kemampuan yang unik bagi umat manusia
of a number of skills that are unique to human beings
maknanya luas dan alirannya beragam
it's such a wide and varied movement
Dan anda memiliki sikap yang lebih beragam.
and you get less herd behavior,
dengan beragam perancang mewah disana,
and you have a lot of luxury designers there,
Maksud saya, pikirkan bahwa kota sangat beragam.
I mean, think about how different cities are, actually.
dengan beragam jenis masyarakat yang ada,
with the broad swathes of society,
Kita memiliki beragam strategi -- ada Hadiah Tikus Metusaleh,
We have various strategies -- there's the Methuselah Mouse Prize,
tentang bagaimana mengatur masyarakat yang beragam
on how you ran a diverse society
beragam macam virus
by completely unrelated other viruses
dan mereka bisa mengambil beragam sikap mengenainya.
and they really could have gone with it one of two ways.
yang merupakan teknik beragam untuk menunda pemanasan
which are various techniques that would delay the heating
adalah hal yang wajar bila beragam spesies hominid
it is the norm that there are multiple species of hominids
sekelompok individu dengan beragam karakter,
this random assortment of individuals,
Anda dapat melihat beragam jenis kelakuan di sini.
You can see a lot of diversity in the behavior here.
Jadi Wolfram Alpha tahu tentang banyak hal-hal yang beragam.
So Wolfram Alpha knows about lots and lots of kinds of things.
yang dibangun oleh ahli-ahli dari beragam bidang.
built by experts from many, many different fields.
dapat menghasilkan perilaku yang beragam dan rumit.
can produce incredibly rich and complex behavior.
kita manusia yang luar biasa, beragam, indah.
We are extraordinary, different, wonderful people.
yang bersedia mengambil beragam resiko --
willing to take different kinds of risks --
karena Anda memiliki beragam pilihan.
because you have multiple choices.
Sekelompok orang yang sangat beragam.
So a very diverse group of people.
ada lebih banyak tanah, lebih subur dan lebih beragam.
there is actually more soil, more fertility and more biodiversity.
benar-benar beragam.
amazingly, amazingly diverse.
melibatkan beragam macam orang
have a variety of people involved.
Anda akan lihat beragam macam agenda --
And you see agenda --
menghasilkan boneka dalam beragam etnis, seperti Barbie hitam ini." Yang jauh lebih baik
ethnically diverse dolls, like this black Barbie." Which is vastly better
dan juga tumbuhan yang beragam
as well as diverse greenery
Tentu saja, beragam teknologi yang kita bicarakan di sini
Surely, the technologies that we're talking about here
beragam macam burung.
birds of every flavor.
Hasil beragam, tentu saja. Hal ini cukup khas.
Results vary, of course. This is pretty typical.
untuk membangun hubungan yang beragam di antara kita.
to build different kinds of relationships among us.
Tapi bisa dikatakan: beragam gen dalam dunia virus
But this much we can say: the variety of genes on the planet in viruses
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