Indonesian to English
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by Xamux Translate
bercita-cita setinggi langithitch wage to a star
bercita-cita tinggiaspiring
bercita-cita/ haus akanzealous for
bercita-citakanaspire to


Saya bercita-cita suatu hari nanti, dunia kami
And my dream is we'll have a world one day
Tasneem bercita-cita membangun lingkungan perumahan
And he had a dream that he would build a housing community
yang hanya bercita-cita tinggi di kota
just trying to make it big in the city
sekarang bercita-cita menjadi ahli saraf.
now wants to be a neuroscientist.
Saya bercita-cita menjadi dokter hewan
I hope to become a vet when I grow up
Sekarang, mereka belum menikah dan bercita-cita ingin terus
Now they're not married, and they want to go on
kemudian aku menjadi bercita-cita,
and then I became a driven person,
vagina yang bercita-cita.
a driven vagina.
Dia menyukai pertanian dan bercita-cita ingin jadi guru SMA.
She loves agriculture and wants to be a high school teacher.
Jadi saya bercita-cita menjadi naturalis profesional --
So in planning to be a professional naturalist --
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