Indonesian to English
bermotor motordriven
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bermotor duabimotored
bermotor empatfour engine
bermotor tigatriple-engined

Related Word(s)

automotive, based, divers, driven, motor, motorboat, motorcycle, motorists, motorized, private, vehicles


yang mempunyai akses pada kendaraan bermotor
with access to a motor vehicle
kursi bermotor -- untuk meyakinkan dunia.
a power chair -- to negotiate the world.
Di Amerika, sebelum kendaraan bermotor,
In America, before the motor vehicle,
Tentu saja, ketika kendaraan bermotor ditemukan,
Of course, when the motor vehicle was invented,
hanya 30 tahun kemudian, rasio kendaraan bermotor ke jumlah rumah tangga
only 30 years later, the ratio of motor vehicles to the number of households
Listrik, pemanasan sentral, kepemilikan kendaraan bermotor,
Electrification, central heat, ownership of motor cars,
Saya ingin menjadi 'gadis bermotor.'
I wanted to be a biker chick.
ada 3,000 kendaran bermotor berpenggerak empat roda
that there are 3,000 four-wheel drive motor vehicles
Dan kami punya sebuah kateter bermotor dan fleksibel
And we have a flexible, powered catheter
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