Indonesian to English
bernafas breathe, sigh
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breath, breathe, breathed, breathes, breathing, example, relax, respire, therein, unto


di mana mereka bisa bernafas, mengambil nafas,
where they can breathe, catch a breath,
sampai akhirnya dia mulai bernafas secara normal
until she finally started breathing normally.
saya bernafas dalam
I am breathing in
yang bernafas sangat cepat, tampak rapuh,
who was breathing very rapidly, fragile,
Tetap bernafas atau menjadi dingin,
It's either going to breathe or it's going to cool off,
dan Anda sungguh melakukannya. Anda berhenti bernafas lalu -- (Hembusan nafas) --
And that you literally do that. You stop breathing and then you -- (Gasps) --
Bernafas sebenarnya menghubungkan kita semua
Breath does, in fact, connect us all
Dan saat Anda bernafas, pikirkanlah
And as you breathe, think
mereka tidak dapat bernafas lagi,
they can no longer breathe,
dalam paru-paru besi ini, untuk bernafas.
in this iron lung to breathe for them.
terkadang pasien memerlukan bantuan untuk bernafas.
sometimes the patient needs help breathing.
dan mencekik saya begitu erat sampai saya tidak dapat bernafas atau berteriak
and to squeeze so tightly that I could not breathe or scream,
Mereka bernafas melalui lubang di sisi tubuhnya yang disebut spirakel,
They breathe through holes in their sides called spiracles,
dan menarik kepala saya keluar sehingga saya dapat bernafas."
and pulled my head up so I could breathe."
? Bawalah tabung turun sehingga kau bisa bernafas ?
? Take the tank down so you can breathe ?
Sangat sulit untuk bernafas. Anda mengalami mual karena ketinggian.
It's very, very difficult to breath. You get altitude sickness.
Saya sulit bernafas.
I could barely breathe.
dan naik dan dapat bernafas kembali.
and get up and then take another gasp of air.
di mana mereka bernafas dan bersinggungan
where they breathe in and come into contact
Terkadang sulit untuk bernafas,
Sometimes it's hard to breathe,
Dia tampak tidak bernafas.
He does not seem to be breathing.
Saya bahkan kesulitan bernafas,
I couldn't even breathe,
namun bagi Solly, tindakannya sama alaminya seperti bernafas.
but for Solly, it was as natural as breathing.
menjadi hidup, dan bernafas.
to be a living, breathing memorial.
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