Indonesian to English
bot boot
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botiksee BUTIK.
boto, botoh1. shapely, nice, comely. 2. croupier, gambling (cockfighting, etc.).
botohshapely, croupier
botokdish made of coconut and meat, fish, etc. wrapped in banana leaf and steamed.
botol airwater bottle
botol berkeranjangdemijohn
botol besarflagon
botol besar berisi air anggurmagnum
botol cukacruct
botol cuka/ladacruet
botol gasgas bottle
botol kacaglass bottle
botol kecilphial
botol kecil penyimpan mericapepperpot
botol leidenleyden jar
botol magnetmagnetic bottle

Related Word(s)

boots, bots


Tidak ada yang tahu -- semua mengira itu adalah sepatu bot kayu.
Nobody knew -- everyone thought they were wooden boots.
Ada kisah seperti "Sepatu Bot Tujuh-League,"
We had stories like "The Seven-League Boots":
Lalu ada sepatu bot tujuh-league
Now we have the seven-league boots
Dan sebagai nenek-bot,
And as grandma-bot,
yang bisa saya pakai. Baju terusan itu menutupi sepatu bot dan sarung tangan saya,
that I could climb into. It would go on over my boots, over my mittens,
silakan hubungi saya, agen bot.
please contact me, the Bot-Agent.
Bot, artis kami yang sedang naik daun,
The bot, our rising celebrity,
jika Anda ingat Condoleezza Rice menghadiri suatu acara dengan mengenakan sepatu bot,
if you remember Condoleezza Rice was at some event and she wore boots,
Dan kemudian kami memasangkan sepatu bot pada kaki-kakinya,
And what we did then was put little boots on these legs,
lebih jarang dari pada jika tanpa sepatu bot.
far less often when they had no boots on.
Jadi menurut kami ini adalah sepatu bot yang dingin.
So we described these as cool boots.
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