Indonesian to English
bulus totally bald, childless, robbed
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  1. dari-dari
  2. kura-kura
  3. labi-labi
  4. pi
  5. tuntung
bulus-bulusk.o. fish.

Related Word(s)

destitute, fleeced, replacement
adalah rute lebak bulus tomang
is route lebakbulus tomang
akal bulus atau pengalaman duniawi
guile or worldly experience
aneka buana lebekbulus setinggi sentimeter
aneka buana lebakbulus cm
antar provinsi yakni terminal lebakbulus
inter province namely lebakbulus terminal
antara tabung atau tubulus seperti
between tubes or tubules as
atau tubulus seperti intertubular sel
or tubules as intertubular cells
banyak tubulus berbelit belit panjang
numerous long convoluted tubules
beberapa beracun genera zygophyllum tribulus
some poisonous genera zygophyllum tribulus
beberapa tubulus sangat rumit yang
several highly convoluted tubules that
beracun genera zygophyllum tribulus guaiacum
poisonous genera zygophyllum tribulus guaiacum
berisi tubulus berbelit belit terletak
containing convoluted tubules situated
bulat menetapkan relokasi stadion lebakbulus
decided to relocate lebakbulus stadium
dan depo mrt lebakbulus rencananya
and depo mrt lebakbulus
dan depo mrt tahap lebakbulus
and mrt depot stage lebakbulus
dan koridor viii lebak bulus
and corridor viii lebak bulus
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