Indonesian to English
burung pipit sparrow
burung pipit
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by Xamux Translate
burungbird, penis
pipit1. sparrow. 2. (child language) penis. 3. mouthpiece of a wind instrument.

Related Word(s)

finches, sparrow, sparrows
amerika kecil burung pipit spizella
small american sparrow spizella
atau burung pipit apa pun
or sparrows whatever
bahwa paruh burung pipit yang
that the finch beaks which
banyak burung pipit disebut juga
many sparrows are called also
beberapa burung pipit dunia baru
some new world sparrows
benih banyak burung pipit disebut
seeds many sparrows are called
besar burung pipit dunia baru
large new world sparrows
burung finch dan burung pipit
the finches and sparrows
burung merpati atau burung pipit
pigeons or sparrows
burung pipit burung dunia lama
sparrows old world birds
burung pipit cokelat yang mungil
a tiny brown sparrow
burung pipit dan kutilang tetapi
the sparrows and finches but
burung pipit disebut juga pipit
sparrows are called also finches
burung pipit lindung nilai atau
the hedge sparrow or hedge
burung pipit lindung nilai disebut
the hedge sparrow called
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