Indonesian to English
cemara 1. casuarina tree. 2. long switch of hair or wig twisted into chignon.
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  1. arun
  2. eru
  3. pinus
  4. saru
cemarandirt, filth, slander, calumny

Related Word(s)

cypress, evergreen, fir, firs, pine, spruce, spruces, yew


seperti maple, cemara, dan murbai
such as maple, yew and mulberry,
pohon cemara Gran Picea
This is the spruce Gran Picea,
ke hemlock, cedar, dan cemara Douglas.
to hemlocks, cedars and Douglas firs.
mengunjungi cemara yang menangis di pinggir Sungai Seine,
to visit a particular weeping willow by the Seine,
dan di sebelah kanan adalah hasil karya pohon cemara Douglas.
and that on your right by a Douglas fir,
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