Indonesian to English
cokelat see COKLAT.
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  1. kakao
  2. deragem
  3. sawo matang
cokelat kemerahan (rambut)auburn
cokelat-nilaindigo brown
cokelat-susumilk chocolate

Related Word(s)

brown, browned, chestnut, chocolate, cocoa, fawn, hazel, tan, tawny


bukan juga cincin berlian, bahkan cokelat sekalipun.
not a diamond ring, even a chocolate,
atau memberinya cokelat.
or give him a piece of chocolate.
Ini ada cokelat."
Here's a piece of chocolate."
Beberapa hal favorit saya, seperti cokelat dan teh, blueberry,
Some of my favorite things, like chocolate and tea, blueberries,
Bayangkanlah cokelat yang pahit.
Think about bittersweet chocolate;
Permainan cokelat dan gabus.
It's the Styrofoam and chocolate game.
namun cokelat kecil yang cantik ini
we take these lovely little chocolates that we get
Beberapa dari kita akan memakan cokelat itu,
Well, some of us would be eating those chocolates
Dan cokelat ini tidak akan tertimbun
and instead of accumulating,
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