Indonesian to English
cukup jelas selfexplanatory
cukup jelas
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sudah cukup jelas, telepon Anda akan disadap.
well it's pretty obvious, your phone will be tapped.
Dan menjadi cukup jelas bahwa, untuk dapat menciptakan pikiran,
And it's quite clear that, in order to make minds,
Cukup jelas bahwa kera berasal dari benua Afrika.
And it is quite clear that apes originated on the African continent.
Saya rasa cukup jelas kenapa, dalam konteks beberapa kebutuhan manusia.
I think this is pretty obvious in terms of some of the needs.
Cukup jelas bahwa hal ini memberi informasi
It was pretty obvious that it provided the information
Dan cukup jelas pada diagram bahwa setiap unit energi yang dihemat pada roda
And it's obvious from the diagram that every unit of energy you save at the wheels
Hal ini cukup jelas.
It's pretty straightforward.
dan saya rasa cukup jelas
and I think it's fairly obvious
Jawabannya cukup jelas.
And the answer is really straightforward:
Cukup jelas dalam pembiusan paru-paru dapat menjadi lumpuh.
It's just a reality of anesthesia. The lungs can be paralyzed.
Jadi apa yang terjadi kini menjadi cukup jelas.
So what will happen now is quite straightforward.
Sebab cukup jelas, bila pertanian tak dapat beradaptasi terhadap perubahan iklim,
Because, quite literally, if agriculture doesn't adapt to climate change,
yang sebenarnya cukup jelas.
that are actually pretty straight-forward challenges.
adalah hasil yang cukup jelas.
was a pretty significant outcome.
Dan cukup jelas
And it's quite clear
jadi sebentar lagi semua itu akan cukup jelas.
so that's going to be clear in a moment.
Kami berpikir tentang hal ini dan kami berkata, cukup jelas, kan?
So we thought about this and we said, it's kind of obvious, right?
Cukup jelas.
It's fairly self-explanatory.
Sekarang, kalian mungkin berkata, ya, itu cukup jelas.
Now, you may say, well, that's obvious enough.
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