Indonesian to English
di sisi by the side of
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sisiside, flank

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alone, before, beside, call, from, mayst, near, possesses, presence, record, repentance, restraining, reward, rewards, side, sides, somewhere, the, thee, with, writing


"Apa arti karakter Bahasa Cina yang selalu saya lihat pada rambu di sisi jalan?"
"What's up with the Chinese character I keep seeing by the side of the road?"
sisi, dan sistem yang hidup di sisi lain
side, and living systems on the other side.
Jadi di sisi lain kita punya dua sel-sel proto
On the other hand we have two moving
Meskipun demikian, di sisi lain, kalau saya tidak berbelas kasih,
And yet, on the other hand, if I didn't feel this compassion,
Di sisi lain, ada penurunan produksi
On the other hand, there is declining yields
Di sisi lain, cahaya masih dapat masuk ke mata.
On the other hand, light can still get into the eye.
di sisi dunia yang lain.
literally on the other side of the world.
Di sisi sebelah sini adalah laki-laki,
On this side was men,
dan kemudian penghalang, dan di sisi lainnya adalah wanita.
and then the barrier, and this side was women.
dan perkantoran di sisi lainnya.
and the office park on the other
Ada orang baik di satu sisi dan orang jahat di sisi lain.
you had the good guys on one side and the bad guys on the other.
dan kebebasan berpendapat di sisi lain
and free speech on the other
Di sisi lain, saya terjerat dalam kehidupan yang sulit,
In the other, I was enmeshed in lives that were precarious,
dan melihatnya berdiri di sisi lain.
and saw her standing on the other side.
Dan di sisi lain, pengertianku atas diri
On the other hand, my definition of self
Dan di sisi lain dari pagar itu,
And on the other side of the fence,
Di sisi lain, ia juga dapat digunakan
But on the other hand, it also could be used
ada di sisi lain dari kompleksitas.
on the other side of complexity.
di sisi timur pulau Madagascar
off the east coast of Madagascar
Kita semua tahu kita ingin berada di sisi sebelah mana.
We all know which side of these we'd like to be on.
Paling atas ternyata Walmart di sisi kanan.
The top one, in fact, is Walmart on the right.
di sisi pemakai mereka tidak akan memperolehnya dalam kondisi lain,
from customers they weren't going to get otherwise,
Namun di sisi lain, dengan didasari harga diri kita
But on the other, we root our self-esteem
Konservatif, di sisi lain, berbicara tentang lembaga dan tradisi.
Conservatives, on the other hand, speak for institutions and traditions.
Namun di sisi lain
But the other side of the equation
anda akan melihat lembaran kosong di sisi lain itu, OK?
you should find that it’s blank on the other side.
Salah satu anak mereka mengajar matematika di sisi kota yang jauh.
One of those kids tutors math on the far side of town.
Salah satu bermain lacrosse di sisi kota yang dekat.
One has lacrosse on the near side of town.
Bahasa, di sisi lain, memiliki derajat ketidakteraturan menengah;
Language, on the other hand, has an intermediate level of entropy;
Tapi di sisi lain,
But on the other hand,
tidak ada satu pun di sisi lain ruangan ini melalui dinding
no one on the other side of this room through that wall
memiliki teknologi dominasi di sisi lainnya.
has a technology of domination as its flip side.
Namun di sisi lain ada harta karun pengetahuan dalam proyek ini.
But on the other hand, it was the scientific gold of the project,
Orang, di sisi lain, adalah subjek yang berbeda.
People, on the other hand, was a different subject.
SETI, di sisi lain, sangatlah sederhana.
SETI, on the other hand, is really simple.
dan di sisi yang lain kita mendapatkan dunia yang lebih matematis,
and at the other end we've got a more mathematical world,
Di sisi lain, kita manusia,
On the other hand, we humans,
dan akan mengembun di sisi satunya.
and it re-condenses in the other side.
di sisi lain, mempermainkan hubungan
on the other hand, plays up this relationship
Di sisi lain Kendall --
Now Kendall on the other hand --
kenyataannya mungkin terletak di sisi lain,
might actually lie somewhere else,
sedangkan seni di sisi lain
whereas art on the other hand
pengeras suara ada di sisi sebelah kanan,
the speaker was only coming from the right side,
Di sisi lain ada Marc Andressen
On the other hand, there's Marc Andreessen
Betty Williams di sisi sebelah kanan --
Betty Williams on the right-hand side --
di sisi jalan.
on the side of the street.
di sisi lainnya.
on the other side.
Di sisi lain, negara itu terlalu besar.
On the other hand, the nation is too big.
Satu di sisi selatan dan barat India,
One is in the south and in the west of India,
Di sisi lain, ini adalah mimpi buruk;
On the other hand, it's a nightmare --
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