Indonesian to English
ditangkap be under arrest
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ditangkap polisi; ditahanunder arrest
ditangkap/menderitafallen a prey to
ditangkap/menderita karenabe a prey to

Related Word(s)

apprehended, arrested, capture, captured, catch, catches, caught, detained, fielded, game, grasped, hold, hunting, laid, mainstream, prisoner, reach, relentless, seized, taken, taught, was, within


Di situlah ketiga anak itu ditangkap,
And that's where the three kids got arrested,
kami bakalan ditangkap di penempelan pertama.
they would just arrest us at the first pasting.
Dan sebelum dia ditangkap, dia telah membunuh kakek-neneknya,
And before he was arrested, he had murdered his grandparents,
Saya ditangkap karena melakukan penculikan.
I was arrested for kidnapping.
CO2 yang ditangkap,
captured CO2,
Dan saya sangat takut karena saya pikir kami mungkin akan ditangkap.
And boy, I was scared because I thought, you know, we may be scooped.
yang telah ditangkap oleh banyak pemimpin dunia.
that has been caught by many of the world's leaders.
Ternyata mereka bergerak kesana kemari. Belatung-belatung tersebut jadi susah untuk ditangkap.
Apparently they wriggle around. They're kind of hard to grab, these maggots.
Sebagian besar dibunuh dalam waktu 24 jam setelah ditangkap dari jalanan.
most of them within 24 hours of being scooped off of the street.
dari apa yang ditangkap.
of what is caught.
dan ditangkap oleh telinga kita,
is captured by our ear,
hingga ia ditangkap di tahun 2008.
until his arrest in 2008.
secara tidak sadar akan ditangkap oleh orang lain,
is unconsciously picked up by other people,
satu momen yang ditangkap oleh banyak kamera.
one moment captured across multiple cameras.
Akhirnya, mereka ditangkap dan dibawa ke barak Drancy
Finally they were all arrested and taken to the Drancy camp
semacam foto mugshots (foto wajah seseorang yang ditangkap untuk data kepolisian), lah.
mugshots if you will.
tapi saya selalu ingin membuatnya terlihat dapat ditangkap
but I always want it to look like it could have been captured somehow
ikan ini ditangkap dalam sebuah perjalanan memancing.
the fish was captured on a fishing trip.
sudah ditangkap dan diperbudak oleh
that the Babylonians -- Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar --
dari Abbottabad dimana Bin Laden ditangkap.
from Abbottabad, where Bin Laden was caught.
dan Goering ditangkap, disidangkan di Nuremberg
and Goering was captured, tried at Nuremberg
hewan-hewan yang tidak sengaja ditangkap
the animals accidentally scooped up
Mereka ditangkap oleh tentara Amerika,
They were caught by the American soldiers,
Saya pernah ditangkap karena menolak membayar suap --
I've been arrested because I refused to pay a bribe --
beberapa di antaranya ditangkap oleh saya sendiri
some of them I'd sent to jail
Binatang itu menjadi langka karena ditangkap.
They become rarer because we fish them.
dipukuli dan ditangkap.
getting beaten up and arrested.
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