Indonesian to English
eyel obstinate in argument.
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by Xamux Translate
atau fitur eyelike terutama sebagai
or eyelike feature especially as
atau mata atau fitur eyelike
or eyes or eyelike feature
bintik bintik eyelike kata dari
eyelike spots said of
bukanlah waktu untuk meyelamatkan diri
was too late to escape
bunga yang memiliki eyelike ungu
flowers having a purple eyelike
dan meyelamatkan nyawa semua orang
and saves everyone life
dua ocelli bintik bintik eyelike
two ocelli eyelike spots
dua ocelli eyelike tempat berkata
two ocelli eyelike spots said
eyelets sering terbuat dari suede
eyelets often made of suede
eyelike besar pada masing masing
large eyelike spot on each
fitur eyelike terutama sebagai tertentu
eyelike feature especially as specified
kurang mata atau fitur eyelike
lacking eyes or eyelike features
mata atau fitur eyelike terutama
eyes or eyelike feature especially
melalui eyelets atau sekitar kait
through eyelets or around hooks
memiliki dua ocelli eyelike tempat
having two ocelli eyelike spots
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