Indonesian to English
filosofis philosophical
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Related Word(s)

philosophic, philosophical, philosophically


dan membuat keputusan filosofis
and made a philosophical decision
jadi kami berhenti dan berdiskusi secara filosofis dengan sangat baik
so we stopped and had a very good philosophical discussion
namun jika anda secara filosofis merasa ingin melakukan sesuatu tentang hal itu,
but if you felt philosophically you wanted to do anything about that,
"Secara filosofis, apakah pasokan informasi yang terus menerus
"Philosophically, does the constant supply of information
Dan saya akan mengatakan satu lagi hal yang filosofis
And I'll just say one more maybe philosophical thing
Ini bukanlah pernyataan filosofis,
This is not a philosophical statement,
filosofis, dan psikologi,
philosophically, psychologically,
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