Indonesian to English
frustrasi frustration, frustrated
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continuous, frustrate, frustrated, frustrates, frustrating, frustration


ada saat di mana saya benar-benar merasa frustrasi dan takut dalam hidup
there were times I would get so frustrated by our life
Ini salah satu ilmuwan yang frustrasi itu,
Here's one such frustrated scientist,
Orang ini tertarik pada sejarah frustrasi.
This person was interested in the history of frustration.
Ada banyak jenis frustrasi.
There's various types of frustration.
tentu saja menyatakan hal-hal yang lebih membuat frustrasi --
are, of course, the ones that correspond to things that are more frustrating --
Seberapa frustrasi Anda saat ini? --
How frustrated are you right now? --
Dan karena rasa frustrasi saya sendiri
And out of my own frustration
-- mari kita sebut frustrasi --
frustration -- let's call it frustration --
di tempat kumuh, mengekspresikan rasa frustrasi mereka
in ghettos expressing their frustration
Rasa frustrasi dari hari ke hari ketika harus menghadapi hal ini
The day-to-day frustrations of dealing with this
dan saat itu saya merasa frustrasi.
and I got frustrated,
dia menjadi frustrasi karena lalu lintas
he got frustrated by traffic,
Karena, salah satu hal yang membuat saya frustrasi
Because one of the things that's frustrated me
menghadapi rasa frustrasi dan kesulitan --
dealing with frustration and difficulties --
Yah, itu pada dasarnya frustrasi.
Well, it was basically frustration.
Saya frustrasi -- saya bekerja sebagai insinyur perangkat lunak
I was frustrated -- I was working as a software engineer
Frustrasi itu adalah semua potensi ini yang terbuka.
The frustration was all this unlocked potential.
Masih ada frustrasi tinggi
There is still a huge frustration
luar biasa frustrasi.
tremendous frustration.
SW: Ya. Hal ini dapat membuat seekor burung seperti Einstein frustrasi.
SW: Yeah. It can get a bird like Einstein frustrated.
Dan ini sangat membuat frustrasi.
And that's very frustrating.
dengan rasa frustrasi
with a continuous
dari rasa frustrasi, impian yang belum terwujud --
of frustration, of unfulfilled dreams --
Itulah yang menyebabkan mereka frustrasi.
And that's what the frustration was.
menderita karena frustrasi dan depresi.
have suffered undue frustration and desperation.
Ini sangat membuat saya frustrasi dan bingung.
This frustrated and confused me;
Lalu saya sangat bingung, sedikit frustrasi dan marah,
So I felt confused, a little bit frustrated and angry,
atau orang-orang tidak merasa frustrasi.
or people were not frustrated.
Pada kenyataannya, orang-orang sangat frustrasi.
In fact, people were extremely frustrated.
Ada banyak orang yang frustrasi."
There are a lot of people who are frustrated."
Ada banyak orang yang frustrasi.
There are lots of people who are frustrated.
frustrasi yang sama, kemarahan yang sama,
the same frustration, the same anger,
Dan dia benar. Saya sangat frustrasi, hingga pada suatu hari
And she was right. I was very frustrated, until one day.
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