Indonesian to English
hong 1. (Sport) home base. 2. earthen pipe for drainage. 3. see BURUNG.
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hongeroedeem/hongerudim/ malnutrition, undernourishment.
honggisee HONGI.
hongipunitive 17th-century expeditions by Dutch in the Moluccas to extirpate spice trees.


Adrian Hong: Joseph, terima kasih telah berbagi
Adrian Hong: Joseph, thank you for sharing
untuk Hong Kong.
for Hong Kong.
yaitu Hong Kong.
which is Hong Kong.
Apakah Anda ingat serah terima Hong Kong
Do you remember the handover of Hong Kong
Ketika Cina berkuasa di Hong Kong,
When China gets its hands on Hong Kong,
sistem politik dan hukum di Hong Kong
the political and legal system in Hong Kong
atas pertanyaan tentang Hong Kong -
to the question of Hong Kong --
bernyanyi di Hong Kong, mencoba mengumpulkan uang dari orang-orang.
singing in Hong Kong, trying to get people to raise money.
Hong Kong dan Singapura.
Hong Kong and Singapore.
adalah Hong Kong.
is Hong Kong.
Hong Kong adalah wilayah kecil di cina
Hong Kong was a small bit of China
Pada tahun 50-an, Hong Kong adalah tempat di mana
In the 1950s, Hong Kong was a place where
Hong Kong juga menjadi model
Hong Kong was also the model
Jadi mereka membuat empat zona ekonomi spesial di sekitar Hong Kong.
So they created four special economic zones around Hong Kong:
dengan tindakan-tindakannya di Hong Kong,
through its actions in Hong Kong,
namun dia tidak memiliki Hong Kong di Kuba.
but he doesn't have a Hong Kong there on the island in Cuba.
Mari kita buat Hong Kong di sini.
Let us have a Hong Kong nearby.
Ternyata Singapura dan Hong Kong
Turns out Singapore and Hong Kong
Halo, nama saya Dennis Hong,
Hello, my name is Dennis Hong,
Dennis Hong: Saya sangat bahagia untuk Anda.
Dennis Hong: I'm so happy for you.
"Dr Hong, apakah Anda gila,
"Dr. Hong, are you insane,
Burung walet di Hong Kong, tahun 2004,
Barn swallows in Hong Kong, 2004.
Dan kami akhirnya menuju Hong Ngu di Vietnam.
And we end up in Hong Ngu on the Vietnamese side.
Dan inilah gambar dari Hong Ngu, Vietnam pada saat ini.
And this is a picture of Hong Ngu, Vietnam today.
Sekarang jika Anda melihat Hong Kong,
Now if you look at Hong Kong,
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