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islandia iceland
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iceland, icelanders, icelandic


berkali-kali hingga berakhir di bank-bank di Islandia
many, many times until it ends up in banks in Iceland
di lepas pantraai Islandia Utara
off the coast of northern Iceland
Sudah pasti kehidupan di Islandia dulu jauh lebih mudah
It sure used to be a lot easier to be from Iceland,
Orang-orang mengernyitkan alis di Islandia.
Raised quite a few eyebrows in Iceland.
di Islandia sampai saat itu.
in Iceland up until then.
Dan bersama kami melalui pusat badai keuangan di Islandia
And together we got through the eye of the financial storm in Iceland
sektor keuangan Islandia
of the Icelandic financial sector
sekarang sektor keuangan di Islandia hancur di depan kita --
now that we've had this financial sector collapse upon us in Iceland --
dan sudah seharusnya. Saya dari Islandia.
and I should be; I'm from Iceland.
Para wanita di Islandia meliburkan diri.
Women in Iceland took the day off.
dan tidak ada pekerjaan yang berhasil di Islandia.
and nothing worked in Iceland.
Islandia memilih Vigdis Finnbogadottir sebagai presiden --
Iceland elected Vigdis Finnbogadottir as their president --
"Saya sebenarnya tidak akan menyusui negara Islandia ini,
"Well, I'm actually not going to breastfeed the Icelandic nation;
Apa yang terjadi di Islandia ?
what happened in Iceland?
Islandia mengalami krisis keuangan waktu itu
Iceland went through this financial crisis.
Kami jadi sangat terkenal di Islandia
and we became very famous in Iceland,
bekerja sama dgn beberapa politisi islandia
working with Icelandic politicians
paket undang-undang baru untuk islandia
package of legislation for Iceland
Islandia itu negara skandinavia
Iceland's a Nordic country,
UU ini disahkan parlemen islandia dengan suara bulat
this was passed by the Icelandic parliament unanimously.
Dan Anda akan melihat bahwa hanya di Islandia dan Greenland
And you might notice that it's only Iceland and Greenland
Sebagai contoh, proyek "Buy Iceland (Membeli Islandia)" berasal dari artikel media.
For example, the "Buy Iceland" was from a media article.
Pertanyaan kedua adalah sebuah kata Islandia.
The second question was an Icelandic word.
tahu Bahasa Islandia.
who speak Icelandic.
Kita berada di peringkat 15 bersama Islandia dan Polandia.
We're tied for 15th with Iceland and Poland.
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