Indonesian to English
kantor office, agency
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  1. balai
    (gedung, rumah, kantor auditorium, aula, balairung, bangsal, pendapa)
  2. biro
  3. dewan
  4. dinas
  5. gedung
  6. instansi
  7. jabatan
  8. jawatan
  9. pejabat
kantor (jawatan) teraweights and measures office
kantor agrarialand office
kantor balai harta peninggalanorphan's court
kantor barunew office
kantor beacukaicustom office
kantor beritapress agency
kantor cabangbranch office
kantor cuacaweather bureau
kantor ekspedisiforwarding-office
kantor imigrasiimmigration office
kantor kejaksaan agungoffice of the attorney general
kantor kepala daerahproconsulate
kantor lelangauction office
kantor pabeancustom house
kantor pajakinternal revenue
kantor paniterarecord office
kantor pemberi hak patenpatent office
kantor pemerintahcivil service
kantor pencatatanregistry office
kantor pencatatan sipilregistration service

Related Word(s)

administrative, agency, branches, buck, building, custody, deutsche, eradication, firm, galur, happens, happier, headquarters, hidayat, its, local, marched, ministry, municipality, of, office, offices, official, p, station, the, urban, wires, work, working


telepon di kantor penguin berbunyi.
the phone rang in the penguin office.
Saya gantungkan begitu saja di bangku kantor dokter
I draped them casually over the chair in the doctor's office.
para perusuh menjarah kantor pusat
the rioters looted the headquarters
Kantor pusat perusahaannya ada di sini.
The company headquarters are right here.
Ini adalah pesta Natal di kantor ayah saya, bulan Desember 1973.
This is my father's work Christmas party, December 1973.
Inilah saya di kantor saya.
Here's me in my office.
Saya harap Anda menghargai kantor Anda.
I hope you appreciate yours.
Seorang pengacara di kantor
An attorney in the office
Kami datangi kantor pemerintah kota, kantor kepolisian,
We walked into the offices of the municipal corporation, the police,
baik di Trenton, New Jersey atau di kantor kepresidenan,
whether in Trenton, New Jersey or the office of the White House,
Kantor saya ada di setengah kamar tidur,
My office was on one half of the bedroom,
Faktanya, di kantor saya pada tahun 1990,
In fact, in my office in 1990,
mencoba meyakinkan kantor humas BP
trying to convince the PR office at BP
menerima pemberitahuan dari IRS (kantor pajak USA).
receives a notice from the IRS.
Dan kantor pajak IRS telah memperkenalkan program ini.
And the IRS has introduced the program.
dan berbagai jenis kantor.
and as all variety of office space.
dan mereka membuat rumah makan di kantor pos tua itu.
and they put up a restaurant in the old post office.
dan kantor adalah tempat kedua,
and work is the second place,
sementara mempertahankan kantor yang sudah ada.
while keeping the existing office buildings.
kantor keamanan negara Mesir pada bulan Maret.
of the Egyptian state security offices in March.
Jadi saat Sally, manager kantor itu,
So while Sally, the office manager,
di mana Anda bisa melihat kantor kami yang pertama di bukit itu,
where you can see our very first office there on that hill,
Inilah bagaimana kantor kita harus terlihat,
This is what your office should look like,
Dan lalu Guier dan Weiffenbach pergi ke kantor Weiffenbach,
And so Guier and Weiffenbach go back to Weiffenbach's office,
dan orang-orang mulai berdatangan ke kantor dan berkata,
and people start kind of coming into the office and saying,
Ketika dia wafat, saya mengambil dan membawa meja ini ke kantor saya,
And when he passed on, I took this table with me and brought it to my office,
untuk gedung kantor barunya.
for his new office tower.
adalah menunjuk seorang "ketua kantor pendengar".
is we appointed a chief listening officer.
karena tentu saja jam kantor ada tutupnya.
since sometimes in office hours sometimes it's closed, of course.
dan bukannya dibawa ke kantor polisi,
and instead of bringing them to the police station,
Saya memiliki satu gambar di kantor saya.
I have one image in my office.
Mungkin mereka akan mendarat di kantor pusat PBB di dekat sini
Maybe they're going to land at the U.N. headquarters down the road here,
kalau saya tak akan memberikannya pada orang lain, kecuali untuk saya di kantor saya, saya janji
saying that I'll never let anyone else have it, except for me in my office, I promise.
pabrik, kantor, dan sebagainya.
factories, offices, etc.
dengan cara yang sederhana, menelepon ibu mereka dari kantor
in a very simple way, by calling their mom from work,
mengirim pesan instan dari kantor kepada teman mereka,
by IMing from their office to their friends,
pabrik, migrasi, kantor.
factory, migration, office.
saat Anda masuk ke kantor,
when you clocked in to an office,
meniru dengan sempurna ritual yang akan kita mulai di kantor,
It mimics perfectly all the rituals that we will find in offices:
sebenarnya mengirimkan surat elektronik pribadi dari kantor.
is actually doing private email from his office.
untuk pertama kalinya kami akan bekerja dalam suatu kantor.
we were going to move it into an office for the first time.
Kita akan pindah ke suatu kantor,
We were going to move it into an office,
suatu komunitas penulis yang akan datang setiap hari ke kantor ini,
sort of a writing community -- coming into the office every day anyway,
dan di belakangnya adalah kantor McSweeney's,
and then behind the curtain were the McSweeney's offices,
Suami saya bekerja di kantor besar ini.
My husband works in this big office.
Di kantor saya.
it's in my office --
Satu hal yang tidak pernah terjadi di kantor dokter saya.
The one thing that never happens in my doctor's office:
yang terdaftar pada Kantor Paten A.S.
registered with the U.S. Patent Office.
Jadi dengan dua orang desainer, Christina dan Tolga, di kantor saya, kami mengambil sebuah lagu --
So with two designers, Tolga and Christina, at my office, we took a track --
Atau bahkan orang-orang Google di kantor Swiss,
Or even in the Swiss office of Google,
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