Indonesian to English
karena ada for there are
karena ada
please wait
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karenabecause, because of, reason, cause
adathere is/are, be, have, did

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Kita terharu karena ada pertempuran
We're moved because it's about the battle
Danau itu tidak jelas karena ada tempat parkir.
The creek had been culverted under the parking lot.
Karena ada banyak ragam genetis
And since there are many genetic variants,
dan dengan alasan yang sangat bagus, karena ada
and with a very good reason, because there are
dan karena ada sidik jari yang unik,
because there's unique fingerprint,
karena ada lebih banyak makanan.
since there was more food.
karena ada masalah dengan asal-usul ini.
because there is a problem with the origin.
Ini karena ada 10.000 titik api bawah tanah
This is because we have 10,000 of those underground fires
karena ada lebih dari 400,000 orang di jalanan New York waktu itu --
because after all, there were 400,000 people out in the streets of New York --
karena ada terlalu banyak jenis audio lain di dalamnya --
because there were too many other kinds of audio involved --
karena ada beberapa keadaan
because there are circumstances
karena ada "Coca-Cola" di sana.
because there was "Coca-Cola" there.
karena ada banyak kontroversi di seputarnya.
because there was a lot of controversy about it.
dan dapat menggunakan bakat Anda -- karena ada banyak. Kita telah melihatnya.
and that you use your talents -- because there are many; we've seen them;
Karena ada beberapa tipe desain yang berbeda.
Because there is different types of design.
adalah ide-idea yang yayasan ini dapat gunakan karena ada sinergi yang fantastis.
are ideas that the foundation can use, because there's fantastic synergy.
karena ada beberapa hal yang dapat dilakukan
because these are a few things that toilets
Tidak apa-apa, karena ada sekelompok ilmuwan peneliti
That's okay, because there's a team of research scientists
karena ada banyak dan murah.
because it's plentiful, it's cheap,
karena ada banyak benda di luar sana.
because there's a lot of stuff out there.
karena ada beberapa data yang sulit didapatkan.
because some of the data is hard to get.
karena ada dua masa dalam hidup Anda saat Anda sangat perlu protein hewani
because the two times in your life you most benefit from animal protein
dan saya tidak bisa pergi karena ada bentrokan jadwal.
and I couldn't go because of a scheduling conflict.
karena ada pemimpin baru di Washington
because there is a new leader in Washington
Karena ada banyak di antara mereka
Because I had lots of them
karena ada beberapa anggota keluarga yang setiap hari berada di sana,
because there were some family members who were there all day, every day
dan berkata mereka harus menelepon karena ada hal penting,
and they say they have to make really important phone calls,
adalah karena ada kemitraan publik dan swasta yang luar biasa
is because there's been an extraordinary public/private partnership
karena ada risiko bahwa mesin itu akan menunjukkan
because there's the risk that it might display
Karena ada suatu keterputusan dasar, sebagaimana saya katakan,
Because there's a fundamental disconnect, as I said,
karena ada begitu banyak pilihan,
because there are so many choices
karena ada perusahaan yang mendapat visi tentang hal ini,
in having companies catch the vision of this,
Jadi itu bukan karena ada masalah akan kematian
So it wasn't that Queensland had a particular problem
karena ada orang yang tewas beberapa hari berikutnya.
because there were other people who died over the next few days.
dan membuangnya hanya karena ada teroris?
and throw it in the trash just because there are terrorists?
Karena ada satu hal yang kita sebut privasi,
Because we have this thing called privacy,
Karena ada matras di lantai yang tersambung ke dalam dinding.
because there is a mat on the floor that's plugged into the wall.
karena ada agama yang menghentikan para wanita untuk memiliki anak lebih sedikit
because there are religions that stop women from having few babies,
karena ada banyak kemungkinan penerapan
because there are many possible applications
hanyalah karena ada lebih banyak cara
is simply because there are many more ways
karena ada lebih banyak cara untuk memiliki entropi tinggi.
because there's more ways to be high entropy.
karena ada lebih banyak cara
because there are many, many more ways
dan itu karena ada semua reaksi kimia ini yang terjadi,
and that's because there's all of this chemistry going on,
karena ada video yang ingin saya tunjukkan
which is that I had a piece of video that I was about to show you,
Yang menarik di sini adalah karena ada simulasi fisika yang terjadi di baliknya,
But what's really cool is that since there's a physics simulation running under this,
kalau alat optik ini yang menariknya, karena ada umpan yang dipasang di sini.
that the optical source brought it in, because there's bait right there.
Dan dia berkata -- karena ada relawan yang selalu bersepeda bersama saya,
And he says -- because I also have volunteers riding with me,
hal ini terjadi karena ada "petinggi-petinggi" adibusana
there are a few people at the top of the fashion food chain
karena ada banyak sekali.
because there were many.
cara memasak secara umum karena ada bahan-bahan
because these are ingredients, you know,
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