Indonesian to English
kesempitan narrowness, shortage
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  1. kekecilan
    (kesempitan, terserompok, tersesak)
  2. tersesak
  3. terserompok
  4. kecupetan
  5. kekerdilan
  6. kepicikan

Related Word(s)

anxiety, constriction, difficulty, disquiet, distress, hardship, heaviness, impediment, misfortune, obstacle, poverty, straitness, stress, tribulation, upon, wealth
akan memberikan kelapangan sesudah kesempitan
will appoint after hardship ease
dalam agama suatu kesempitan ikutilah
any narrowness in the religion
kamu dalam agama suatu kesempitan
you hardship in your religion
kesempitan dan penderitaan supaya mereka
poverty and hardship that they
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